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How about our great President!!!

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freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Good read, bankruptcy seems to work well for many people and from I've seen the system will reward the failure.Fiscal responsibility,sacrifice,extreme determination,impeccable honesty,hard work, etc. doesn't seem to work with capitalism.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Does anyone actually believe that his lawyer paid Stormy with his own money out of the goodness of his heart with no reimbursement without Donny knowing?? He really must think the general population is quite stupid to even attempt pushing that narrative...

Perhaps you should focus on ousting your own embarrassment from office and worry a little bit less about our great President Trump.



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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Dear Mr. POTUS... Get off your twitter-phone, let them do their jobs, and tend to the many MORE important issues under your control. DAMN !!

Trey Gowdy.. one of my favorite Republicans puts it best on Fox here.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q9h6sbYeaVM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>​

This part is comical.
"Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?"

Special counsel Robert Mueller is a Republican. (and former Marine War hero)

So is Depty Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.... Republican.

The 4 judges who approved the FISA warrants.... Republican.

Former FBI Director James Comey ....Republican.
Former FBI Deputy Dir. Andrew McCabe... Republican.

New math... this adds up to ZERO !! HMM.

Put down your damn twitter-phone !! Quit yer cryin and get back to work... not on the golf course preferably.

If there needs to be another Hillary investigation... so be it, do it.

One thing to remember... This investigation, as Mr. Gowdy puts it so well is not about just collusion... we still don't know if there was collusion.

I agree with Senior Republican Senator Lindsey Graham...
Trump firing Mueller "Would be the beginning of the end of his [Trumps] presidency".


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freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
I like what the President is doing about drug trafficking,I believe drug dealers should be treated with malicious intent to include the death penalty for the worst offenders and repeated sever beatings for the others, candy doctors included! Seen way to many lives lost, ruined and destroyed .


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
As republican Trey Gowdy stated in that Fox interview, "If you are innocent, act like it"

Trumps tweet about zero republicans on the committee? Just another one of trumps lies. How how many lies since becoming POTUS is Trump up to now? 2200? As Bernie Sanders said on Meet The Press during the campaign, "Trump is a pathological liar".

Republican Rick Santorum stated yesterday that Trumps tweets are hurting our side and energizing the other side.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
As republican Trey Gowdy stated in that Fox interview, "If you are innocent, act like it"

Trumps tweet about zero republicans on the committee? Just another one of trumps lies. How how many lies since becoming POTUS is Trump up to now? 2200? As Bernie Sanders said on Meet The Press during the campaign, "Trump is a pathological liar".

Republican Rick Santorum stated yesterday that Trumps tweets are hurting our side and energizing the other side.

How does Bernie have time for an interview? I thought he was busy planting those trees that grow all that free chit??? I will not disagree that trump has lied since he’s been in office. How bout we call a spade a spade and admit that every president has lied while in office! Does it make it ok? No but we all Know it’s not a trump invention! I understand you don’t care for trump and probably did not vote for him but you could at least complain about something that the last president you voted for didn’t also do!
Jan 15, 2010
How does Bernie have time for an interview? I thought he was busy planting those trees that grow all that free chit??? I will not disagree that trump has lied since he’s been in office. How bout we call a spade a spade and admit that every president has lied while in office! Does it make it ok? No but we all Know it’s not a trump invention! I understand you don’t care for trump and probably did not vote for him but you could at least complain about something that the last president you voted for didn’t also do!

The only world leader in recent history to lie as much as Donny two scoops is Kim Jong Il, “11 holes in one on his first round of golf”. Kinda reminds me of “the most physically fit individual to ever seek the presidency “.

The only one of Donny’s predecessors in 240 years to even come close to the amount of outright falsehoods and lies is Nixon, and we all know how that turned out.

If he really wants anyone to actually believe he is “innocent “ he better start acting like it, cause right now he is acting like someone with an awful lot to hide... Gowdy said it well.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
The only world leader in recent history to lie as much as Donny two scoops is Kim Jong Il, “11 holes in one on his first round of golf”. Kinda reminds me of “the most physically fit individual to ever seek the presidency “.

The only one of Donny’s predecessors in 240 years to even come close to the amount of outright falsehoods and lies is Nixon, and we all know how that turned out.

If he really wants anyone to actually believe he is “innocent “ he better start acting like it, cause right now he is acting like someone with an awful lot to hide... Gowdy said it well.

Lmfao... hope things are good up north!!!


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast

"The Wall will be built !"

Mexico will pay. NOPE

No...Congress will approve...NOPE


"Trump pushing Pentagon to pay for border wall:"

The Hill

President Trump is privately pushing for the Pentagon to pay for his proposed border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, according to a new report.

The Washington Post reports that Trump made the suggestion to several advisers last week, saying it was a "national security" issue that the wall be funded.

Trump reportedly told Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in a meeting last week that the military should pay for the wall. Ryan offered little reaction to the idea while senior Capitol Hill officials called its prospects unlikely, the newspaper reported.

The president has sought $25 billion in funding for his long-proposed wall, but a massive funding bill passed by Congress last week only appropriated $1.6 billion for border security, with funding provided for fencing and levees.

In a separate meeting with senior aides last week, the president reportedly voiced confidence that the Pentagon would have enough funds to cover the wall's cost under the omnibus spending bill.

Trump expressed frustration while signing the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package, originally threatening to veto the bill because of its lack of funding for his border wall. The bill allots about $700 billion for the military.

Two advisers also told the Post that when Trump tweeted "Build WALL through M!" earlier this week, the "M" was intended to stand for "military." Trump originally said that Mexico would pay for the wall.

A senior Pentagon official told the newspaper that any reallocation of 2018 military funding for the border wall would require an act of Congress.

A budget amendment to find funds for the border wall in the fiscal 2019 budget would require 60 votes in the Senate, which the White House would be unlikely to find. Republicans currently hold a slim 51-49 seat majority.




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Dec 12, 2005
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Gotta love this one from one of Trumps very vocal supporters, Ann Coulter, in the election in 2016.

‘Heartbroken’ Ann Coulter referring to DJT: He’s a ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus




Like Ann, I was disappointed as well.

But you do realize her disgust is based on the fact that he allowed the LEFT to load the spending bill with entitlement pork.

He's given a bill in the 11th hour, and had he not signed it, you know full well that you'd be on here talking sh!t about a government shutdown that he caused.
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