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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010

Hitler was the head of the national socialist party like Kim Jong un is the head of the democratic people’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Please explain in your own words not tainted by the terrible horrible modern education system just how hitlers views were not “far right”...

Which other historical leader pushed hardcore nationalism, held big rally’s like Donny does to stir up his base and also worked tirelessly to discredit or outlaw the press so that the masses would believe his tripe?? Hmmm, lemme think...

Rather than just deflect and insult, I challenge you to actually put up a reasonable argument defending your point for once...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Hitler was the head of the national socialist party like Kim Jong un is the head of the democratic people’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Please explain in your own words not tainted by the terrible horrible modern education system just how hitlers views were not “far right”...

Which other historical leader pushed hardcore nationalism, held big rally’s like Donny does to stir up his base and also worked tirelessly to discredit or outlaw the press so that the masses would believe his tripe?? Hmmm, lemme think...

Rather than just deflect and insult, I challenge you to actually put up a reasonable argument defending your point for once...

Typical libby thinking, wanting others to do their work.
If you want to prove a point do your own homework.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
On another note, Roy Moore lost a close election, yet we have no reports of the conservatives skipping work, crying, rioting, wearing dumbazz hats or protesting.

We all can agree that if he had won, the snowflakes would be doing all of the above.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2013
It's about trying to maintain morality.
We all want to be proud of the citizens around us, our neighbors so to speak. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood full of druggies or queers. It just kills property values.
Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's been proven. So by legalizing it, we are willingly removing one of the steps between our children and harder drugs.
Me? I'm not ok with that.
Homosexuality is not natural, but for whatever reason some are attracted to others of the same sex. Doesn't affect me, no big deal. But having it put out there as simply another option, as if you are weird if you don't at least experiment with it? I'm not ok with that.

Call me quaint, but it boils down to preservation of morality of our future generations.

But I don't have any hatred for you pot smoking homos.
Live and let live.

Tell you what...
I'll take our great President Trump and the Honorable Roy Moore and you can have your druggies and homosexuals.

Let us continue to make America great again and you all just keep doing whatever or whoever you do.
We'll stay out of your way, and you can stay out of our way.

What's next?

So you take a moral stance on weed and homosexuality but diddling teenagers is all good? I knew you openly supported pedophilia, but seriously, how do you even keep up with this mental gymnastics?
Jan 15, 2010
Typical libby thinking, wanting others to do their work.
If you want to prove a point do your own homework.

Yup, deflect and insult because you can’t answer the question... if you know so much about it then why do you need to do homework? I’m not asking you to research the point, I’m asking you to offer a Defense in your own words if you can.

Oh yea, in another thread you just advocated banning a religious group from the country. Hmmm, what other country did that in about 1939?? If they were lefty’s then I guess you are too?


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast

Post up a source for this please.

That, IMO, is some of the most ridiculous NAZI propaganda I've seen to date.

But Heck... I'm open to learn if this has any actual facts behind the statement...hence my request for a source.
Was it someone else that wrote it and you copied the image... or did you make the image?

Or is it just another provocative non-fact based image out there cyber-space.

Requesting a source is FAR from asking "others to do their work".....
This is basic...back to 4th grade book reports. :face-icon-small-win


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Which other historical leader pushed hardcore nationalism, held big rally’s like Donny does to stir up his base and also worked tirelessly to discredit or outlaw the press so that the masses would believe his tripe?? Hmmm, lemme think...
And who's supporters don't like/look down on people from other countries, and religions, and sexuality, and races, and and and and. Argue the economics, sure....but this whole Trump sh!tshow is really showing the rest of the world how far behind a substantial portion of the U.S. population when it comes to social issues and equality. Pretty sad watching interviews from hardcore trumpers....like going back in time.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Post up a source for this please.

That, IMO, is some of the most ridiculous NAZI propaganda I've seen to date.

But Heck... I'm open to learn if this has any actual facts behind the statement...hence my request for a source.
Was it someone else that wrote it and you copied the image... or did you make the image?

Or is it just another provocative non-fact based image out there cyber-space.

Requesting a source is FAR from asking "others to do their work".....
This is basic...back to 4th grade book reports. :face-icon-small-win


The meme is a random one I came across.
But a quick easy search yielded this....


Next I suppose you will tell everyone that this source is nonsense, blah, blah, blah.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Oh yea, in another thread you just advocated banning a religious group from the country. Hmmm, what other country did that in about 1939?? If they were lefty’s then I guess you are too?

Here we go again, me correcting your misinformation....

My suggestion was not "banning" anyone, simply expecting them to assimilate to their new surroundings, which by the way THEY sought out.

And I think that the comparison to Nazi Germany is beneath all of us (as well as totally incorrect) & thus deserves no reply at all.
Jan 15, 2010
Here we go again, me correcting your misinformation....

My suggestion was not "banning" anyone, simply expecting them to assimilate to their new surroundings, which by the way THEY sought out.

And I think that the comparison to Nazi Germany is beneath all of us (as well as totally incorrect) & thus deserves no reply at all.

Who brought up the comparison to hitler in the first place in their stupid meme?? If you are gonna have the balls to bring something like that up you should have the balls to defend it.

I guess vegetarians aren’t assimilated into ‘Murcia?
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Who brought up the comparison to hitler in the first place in their stupid meme??

Well played.
Very good comeback!
Even though my version was more factual, I only posted it as bait. Perhaps a bit childish!
Sorry, but I was bored!
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