Take the blinders off. How would any of us reacted to this many scandals a decade ago?
The simple fact is that since Nixon, we've gradually gotten used to the idea that the Commander-in-Chief is a shifty character in some way or another. Regan had the Iran Contra affair, & HW was involved in that as well. Clinton made Nixon look like a choir boy. Bush Jr. ushered in extreme over-reach of the executive branch & had the "Dumb innocent" image that made it look like Cheyney was actually pulling the strings on all of the garbage with torture, etc. Obama was descended from Socialists politically & was their puppet. Trump, if you ask me also makes Nixon look like a choir boy. The man contradicts himself more than any other president in history & it's
always someone else's fault. Telling the press that his attorney should have known the law if Trump had asked him to break it is absurd.
If I instruct someone to lie under oath, as long as its not me, It's not my fault. If I hire a thug to rough somebody up, Would it just be the thug who was guilty? What about a hitman?
I'm not saying Trump has hired hitmen (Probably more the Clinton camp there, honestly), but he takes ZERO responsibility for anything he says to his underlings, much less to say the general tone of vitriol he has created on the right & the country as a whole. If the president can call places S4!thole countries, & tweet about his female political opponents physical appearances as his primary way to bring them down, and just generally pander to the lowest common denominator, what does that say about state of our country?
A captain of a ship is responsible for those under his command.
If the Commander-in-Chief isn't held to the same account, who can be?
But Trumps adherents won't listen to any of it. It's all a witch hunt. The guilty pleas are coerced. The charges are fake. Besides he's accomplishing so much! Like shutting down the government for 35 days and then ending up signing a bill nearly identical to the one he shut the government down for in the first place.
The wolves
are circling & the republican party is making a mistake if they stand behind him for another election. If they do, I say let the Republican party die. Donald Trump will have done the deed for them.
...Cue the meme inspired rebuttals & audacity from mafesto, blitzkreig, etc