The USA has a population of nearly 330 million, when do we stop, 500 million, a billion? What's your thought?
Remember a countries rise in per capita income is precisely associated with its population.
BTW, India's population is 1.34 Billion, in 1950 it was 361 million, I'm thinking it gets out of control really fast.
We've got a lot of room. What was the US population in 1950? Since when do folks on the "right" care about population control anyway? I don't. That's a China kind of thing. If you can support your kids, have kids. I remember hearing that you could fit the entire population of the world into texas with something like 10 square feet of space for each. (I don't think that would be a good idea, but it illustrates there's a lot of space). If the Ice age we're in the tail end of continues to abate, Canada, Greenland & North Dakota should be much more habitable.