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History of the forum......

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That's all they want...they just want "their" field back.

Hold it...it is the farmers field not "theirs" farmer can do what he wants. Back in the day the people and the farmer had respect for each other. Farmer enjoyed sitting back and watching the people play in his field...the people thanked and respected the farmer. Farmer realized that over time it wasn't as cool as first thought and saw an opportunity to make some $$$ BAD timing, the field needed repairs...the people were fighting amongst them self...the respect thing had vanished completely...the people were trying to run the farm. As all this was going on a group of people stopped riding and stood back and thought...remember how much fun it was when we first got here!?!?! Lets go buy a farm and try to get back to where we were. No farmer, no fighting...people running a farm for the people.

Not that complicated.
All I'm trying to say in my post is that I am trying to see both sides of the fence.
I am NOT admin. I am NOT HP. I am a sledder who has been on this site for most of it's life who was invited to watch Montana and Perf/Mod and keep the threads healthy and to be there when peeps need help with their post or their thread. That's all I do. That's it. I don't dictate HPs website. I don't make their policy. I'm just here to help people with their posts and their threads because I've been around the block on here and have some insight on this forum.

Bubba, I am really not sure what you are talking about.
I actually thought you had left before the leak went out...
You are welcome to help me understand exactly what you are talking about.
I didn't get involved in the chit slinging.
I didn't engage in that stuff.

EDIT: Bubba...I re-read what I typed...I actually typed it a couple days ago. I honeslty didn't realize I put "Bubba" in there. My bad. I was NOT calling you out...It's got nothing to do with you. That was a simple general term for "a dude'. Sorry about that. I have no idea who started that other website nor does it matter to me. Hope you'll accept my correction and apology. I had no problems with you at all...you and I had always been good as far as I'm concerned. I changed the name. I really didn't mean it toward you.

First off let me say this. Scott This is BUBBA. Since you chose to name me specificly and they have blocked my account from using it to reply to shots made at me by you or christopher I will use this one since a good friend gave me access knowing it will prob be bannned by using it to post. The "New Field" that you are subtly bashing has a policy of not bashing SW. It's not my "Field" althought it is my friends " Field" . These friends got tired of bs on many different sites and decided to take their collective knowledge and expericnce and buy their own "FIELD" and distance themselves from everyone else. Anyone that wants to come and ride in that "Field" is welcome with the disclaimer that you must be willing to have fun, joke, and be willing to give good tech info when asked.

I hear from friends that are still on here that they have been attacked for being friends or being associated with me.... That is BS. They are volunteering for heck sakes. They can associate with who ever they feel like.

I hear that Chris has Blamed me for pieps finding out that SW was going pay before they announced it.......Thats BS I had heard it was going pay before I was ever even made a mod.

It has been interesting to see mods make statements about things for the last 2 weeks in posts that are blatant lies. Like them saying it wasn't going pay when you already new that it was going pay. Or saying that mods will have to pay when Christopher told them all that they would be given free access.
I think I saw where moderators said they were going to pay anyway.

So with that all vented. I would appreciate it if you modtards would pull your heads out and stop using me as a scape goat. I ve walked away even though I get calls about things you guys are saying. I could have come on and made an alter a night since I have atleast 10 different IP addys that I am connected to on a daily basis, and I have not. So keep my name out of all the bs. Im done and this will be the last time I respond to anything.
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I am very interested in this mod thing you allude too.

was there some inside info going around about being a mod and getting free subscription????

did you recruit friends to be mods so they wouldn't have to pay???

IS this why we have so many mods all the sudden? Have we got a bunch of Martha Stewarts running SW???

3 moderators seemed to miss this post, feel free to answer it honestly.
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I am very interested in this mod thing you allude too.

was there some inside info going around about being a mod and getting free subscription????

IS this why we have so many mods all the sudden? Have we got a bunch of Martha Stewarts running SW???

Scott how long have you known SW was going pay site?

And did you recruit friends to be mods so they wouldn't have to pay???

I found out last week. There haven't been any new mods put in place since mid October that I know of.

No, I didn't recruit mods. ONLY Christopher does that job.
I haven't picked any mods. Christopher does.
Mods didn't have a choice on who was selected as a mod.
MOST all of them were put into place in mid September I think.
And anyone who signed up to be a moderator just so they didn't have to pay is doing it for the wrong reason.

BTW, I just got my bill for SW in the mail last week. I'll be sending in my check too.
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I'll take a shot at it.

When I volunteered to be a mod for the AC 1M and PS sections, that's all I knew about. I expected no compensation for my time in volunteering.

Christopher asked us all for input on the letter to the members before it was released. So we knew a little before the rest of the members, but after we were already mods. He figured a bunch of editors were better than just one. There was quite a bit of discussion that the rest of the members never saw. Then some of the info was leaked before any decisions were reached. We don't know by who at this point, and it doesn't really matter, it happened.

During this, Christopher mentioned that the mods could be compensated for their time by a free premium membership. Many have said they would pay anyway.

As far as I know, nobody knew anything about this when they volunteered to be mods.
That's all they want...they just want "their" field back.

Hold it...it is the farmers field not "theirs" farmer can do what he wants. Back in the day the people and the farmer had respect for each other. Farmer enjoyed sitting back and watching the people play in his field...the people thanked and respected the farmer. Farmer realized that over time it wasn't as cool as first thought and saw an opportunity to make some $$$ BAD timing, the field needed repairs...the people were fighting amongst them self...the respect thing had vanished completely...the people were trying to run the farm. As all this was going on a group of people stopped riding and stood back and thought...remember how much fun it was when we first got here!?!?! Lets go buy a farm and try to get back to where we were. No farmer, no fighting...people running a farm for the people.

You are forgetting...you do not own the field...you never did...period.

Not that complicated.
Ya guys need to know...I typed that post and analogy to show support for how this forum got started and why we like it so much...how a grassroots community has fallen on tough times.

It was NOT to create a mods vs membership chit show. Try to keep it focused.
During this, Christopher mentioned that the mods could be compensated for their time by a free premium membership. Many have said they would pay anyway.

As far as I know, nobody knew anything about this when they volunteered to be mods.

Chris did make the offer to us in exchange for our time that we volunteer to help out the site. Many of us have decided that we will pay anyways as we dont feel right getting what others will pay for, and IMHO it sets a good example by paying our way just the same as everyone else.

I had NO CLUE about the site going pay, or the offer of a free membership when I became a mod. I haven't recruited, nor would I recruit a friend to get them out of paying for the site. That is immature and would discredit anything else that I did as a mod.
I don't care to engage in chit slinging either.

Mods were added to help in the load. It's tough for only a couple of people to get around this whole place and keep an eye on things since SOME choose to not obey the rules they agreed to upon membership. There was NO inside tip that if someone became a mod, they'd get a free subscription. Believe me, that wouldn't be any reason to step up and automatically have a target painted on your back when you are the very same person you were before becoming a mod. All of a sudden you become the enemy.....which really has me baffled that some feel this way. :confused:

We have many different mods to watch over different sections. Like said above, it's tough to get to everyplace that is on here. Some can be on more than others. We ARE a team. We are also here to help out where we can. :)

Martha Stewarts......ummm......not sure what you mean by that, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Although I did make some pretty good spaghetti for dinner tonight! ;) :)

Recruiting friends so they wouldn't have to pay? Is that a serious question? It's a small amount of money (and I live on a VERY limited budget and am still able to say that......I don't even have cable/satellite tv). Again, recruiting someone so they can have a target.....well, not sure anyone would do that to their friends. Yes, free subscriptions have been offered.......but many are choosing to pay anyway so that this isn't some BIG issue with the members who are choosing to focus on this.

Now......can we please get on to what this thread was supposed to be about? The history, the family, the camaraderie......why we all love this place, and how we got to that point. :) :beer;
I never donated to the forum when they had the donation button up heck i didnt even know that there was a donation button for a while until recently, would have I donated no because I thought that this site was supported by my magazine subscription (all 3 of them ) and if it wasnt it should have been, but if it was then great, my point is i dont mind paying if I still get the mag ( wether digital or paper) people are complaining about paying to get to use the forum and get nothing in return, but infact you get the mag also people are complaining that the site sucks, and in some regards it does at the moment but what some of the people are not recognizing is that you will not be paying for what you are seeing now but rather a more updated site with better equipment to handle your needs. So to the ones that keep saying how they are not going to pay for the site because it sucks SHUT UP ALREADY you have absolutely no idea if the new forum will suck or not stop beeing so PIG HEADED and IGNORANT and wait and see if it is crappy or not they are not asking you to buy before you try.

I have gotten some great information from this forum, I've made numerous FANTASTIC friendships....people that I now spend time with year-round....not just sledding. The fact that it is becoming a pay-for-play site is NOT that big of a deal. Seriously! I cannot believe that so many people are complaining about ten bucks!! :eek:

I know that there have been some other issues: speed, redesign, etc. However, that is nature of our world - "improvement". I know that we all experience that - probably everyday. Just look at how much sleds themselves have changed in the last 11 years. SW and HP are just acting like normal industries - seeking improvements. That so many people are taking it personally is a sad reflection of the quality of your lives - IMO.

No one likes change. That is simply human nature. BUT - I don't think this change would be that hard to adapt too IF people would just deal with it and quit the bashing, the name calling, the protesting. Frankly, I don't understand the animosity towards the moderators. :confused:

We have a heads up that change is forthcoming. You get to decide if you stay or go. Personally, I suspect that the "old timers" will stay - because we have recognized far more than $10 of value from this forum. I know that I have. What the rest of you decide to do, probably won't impact us all that much.
I have gotten some great information from this forum, I've made numerous FANTASTIC friendships....people that I now spend time with year-round....not just sledding. The fact that it is becoming a pay-for-play site is NOT that big of a deal. Seriously! I cannot believe that so many people are complaining about ten bucks!! :eek:

I know that there have been some other issues: speed, redesign, etc. However, that is nature of our world - "improvement". I know that we all experience that - probably everyday. Just look at how much sleds themselves have changed in the last 11 years. SW and HP are just acting like normal industries - seeking improvements. That so many people are taking it personally is a sad reflection of the quality of your lives - IMO.

No one likes change. That is simply human nature. BUT - I don't think this change would be that hard to adapt too IF people would just deal with it and quit the bashing, the name calling, the protesting. Frankly, I don't understand the animosity towards the moderators. :confused:

We have a heads up that change is forthcoming. You get to decide if you stay or go. Personally, I suspect that the "old timers" will stay - because we have recognized far more than $10 of value from this forum. I know that I have. What the rest of you decide to do, probably won't impact us all that much.

Well written! I truly don't understand WTH some of you are so bent about!!?? All of a sudden, some of the people who have been long time contributors and friends have become your enemy because they have agreed to be moderators? Really? That's just BS! I'm reading about conspiracies and all sorts of ridiculous allegations! PEOPLE!!!! THIS IS A SITE ABOUT SLEDDING!!!! NOTHING MORE!!!!
Once upon a time there was this farmer, he had some fallow land that wouldn't grow any crops. One night in his sleep he dreamed of a bunch of dirtbikers riding around a track in his field.

Out of shear providence, that morning he had a knock on his door "sir would it be ok if we rode our dirt bikes in your field over yonder?" Mystified by this the farmer said "sure".

So the bikers rode on the field, made make shift jumps and had a great time. The famer enjoyed this, and people began to see his farm and all the produce he had to offer, his sales started to rise.

After ahwile more people came, the farmer sold more turnips and corn.

Then people came to advertise and paid the farmer to put up banners on his fence.

Life was good.

Then the farmer, having more money than he's ever had, begins to feel the greed of that money. His turnips -not getting the attention they once had- begin to loose their quality. His corn became sub par due to his neglect. People were getting rotten vegitables.

Then a slick talking saleman -a fellow farmer- came to his house promising a new crop that would triple his earnings! with these magic ponzi beans. These beans were indeed expensive, but they were exclusive to only a hand full of farmers of his caliber.
The farmer spent his lifes savings on these beens.

The ponzi beans sprouted, then fizzled. The salesman was no where to be found.

The farmer decided that due to his failure in farming he needed to make more money elsewhere, and the bikers in his field would pay. They'd been using his field for years now and they needed to pay up. They would pay up.

So he charged the dirtbikers to ride there, some of the newer riders paid while many riders refused. The older riders knew what it had been like, they knew that without them, there would be no banners on the fences. Without the awesome track they had built no one would want to ride there anymore.

They had picked up a lot of rocks out of that field, and for the farmer to charge them for something they had built up was simply not fair, even if it was that farmers land. Afterall, it was fallow before the dirbikers had turned it into something enjoyable.

Soon the farmer found that his farm sucked, and no one wanted to ride his field anymore.

He sold the farm to someone else for pennys on the dollar

in light of revpilots link to the newspaper article I edited my farmer story.

Is Christopher really a Harris??
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