What is the proper way to change the head on these? Draining coolant,bleeding air,ect. Going to be putting a PA head on mine in the future.
Raise the front end sled as high as you can.
drain the coolent from the resivoir bottle,I use a hand pump if you drain the bottle.The coolent level will be lower than the cylinders.
remove thermostat housing with hose attached, move to the side leaving it as high as possible.
remove spark plugs,det sensor,then head bolts,then head.
I clean everthing ,chase threads with tap, clean cylinders.
take a dab of grease on your finger, dab each o ring groove
in a four corner patern. the grease holds the O rings in place.
move all of your o rings over to the new head.
Set inner and outter O rings on the cylinders, set head on making sure not to move O rings. put bolts in by fingers, attach thermostsat and det sensor.
tighten bolts, torque the bolts, Fill with coolent.
run a couple heat soaks, check for leaks, and coolent moving through the cooling system. retorque all bolts.
The less coolent you drain. the less trouble you will have with air bubbles.
Hope this helps alittle