Could not agree with you more. My question though is why do they call it common sense when it is not all that common? There are a lot of Morons out there in every aspect of life!
The sad part is that some people just don't get it. And it makes others look bad. The question is how can we make these people understand so they don't ruin it for others? Here's a question for the Harley riders that get pissed off at people complaining about their loud exhaust, do you like the sound of- a loud Honda Civic, loud rap music, your neighbors loud music at all hours, do you like it when your eating at a resturant and the table next to you is loud and annoying. NOT EVERY ONE likes nor wants to hear your LOUD Harley, snowmobile, atv, car, truck, music, ect. Your just making it harder on the rest of us. Open your fricken minds! It's just like the guy that shoots his deer and puts it out where everyone can see it on the ride home to prove he is a mighty hunter instead of putting it out of site. How many PETA followers or people that don't hunt will see his prize kill? And what will they think?
I use to love watching NFL games. I can't stand them now because HALF of the players have to do a dance or show off every play they make. If you ride a Harley your representing Harley riders, if you ride a snowmobile your representing snowmobiles. That's what people think that don't ride Harleys or snowmobliles ect. What I'm trying to say is protect your sport and what you love to do because if it's fun somebody will try to out law it or change it so it's not fun any more.
P.S. Thank you mom and dad for teaching me common courtsey and common sense.