Latest from Stan.
You can still voice your opinion.
You can still voice your opinion.
Stan Spencer <> wrote:
Just a quick note or two.
I was gratified to see two recent letters to the Editor in the Missoulian lamenting the fact that snowmobilers are far outnumbering wilderness advocates at the Flathead collaborative Forest Plan meetings. This is a vast turnaround from previous Forest Plan participation. I think the Wilderness advocates are wondering what happened! I also think that they may now recognize that snowmobilers are not going to roll over on land closures.
The Clearwater Collabotative meetings are starting up again on Feb 8/14 at Orofino Id.. They are also going to hold a remote video conference session in Missoula at the Ft. Missoula complex. 24 Ft. Missoula Rd. Turn west on Ft. Missoula Rd. off Reserve, go to the end to a 'T', turn left, second building on the left. Phone# 329 3750. I'm assuming the session will start in Missoula at 9:00AM as the start time in Orofino is 8:00 Pacific time. Meeting will run all day. This first meeting will be pretty dry but is a good warm up for the next one in March which will include Wilderness designation. Anyone wanting the prework information for the meeting can email me, ,and I'll forward the information the FS has put out.
There has been quite a bit of recent activity behind the scenes re: the Clearwater Collaborative Forest Plan and also the Clearwater Basin Collaborative NRA. Based on the information I have been asked to provide I feel both plans are moving in a positive direction to preserve our riding areas in the Gt. Burn. But....we all know "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". Time will tell.
I have been working with the Wise River Snowmobile Club (Jackpine Savages) to ammend Senator Testers FJRA that encompasses the West and East Pioneers.
I'll update you as the proposal is reviewed and the response we receive. Two adjacent area snowmobile clubs and the Beaverhead County Commissioners are supporting our initiative.
Stan Spencer