Please read below and pass the word. It's the latest developments pertaining to the Great Burn including Beaver Ridge area.
email from Stan Spencer (Missoula Snow Goers) -
A very positive development has occurred regarding the Great Burn including Beaver Ridge. The FS is using a map I developed, as a baseline for discussion purposes re: snowmobile areas in the Clearwater NF collaborative planning process.
Subsequent to our last collaborative meeting on Apr 13 they have requested more information going back to the NPA we proposed in 2008.
Sandra Mitchell, Art Seamans, and I are working on a “talking points” presentation to help everyone make an informed, meaningful comment. We are also working on a presentation the FS have asked us for to go on the FS website.
At this point I just want to give everyone a “heads up” that we will try get the “talking points” and comment site information to you on or before Apr. 26.
In the meantime talk to as many people as you can to make sure they stay tuned to comment. The comment period will be very short as we absolutely need it completed before the next collaborative meeting on May 18 and 19.
This is going to be the one time shot at getting the Clearwater Forest Plan to include boundary adjustments to accommodate our riding areas. That outcome would over-ride the current travel plan. I believe, WITH A STRONG COMMENT EFFORT, it will happen.
Stan Spencer