The appeal process is as follows:
This decision is subject to appeal pursuant to 36 CFR 215.11. Only individuals or organizations that submitted substantive comments during the comment period may appeal under this rule. A written appeal must be submitted within 45 days following the publication date of the legal notice of this decision in the Lewiston Morning Tribune. It is the responsibility of the appellant to ensure that their appeal is received in a timely manner. The publication date of the legal notice of the decision in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an appeal. Appellants should not rely on date or timeframe information provided by any other source.
Paper appeals must be submitted to:
• USDA Forest Service, Northern Region, Attn: Appeal Deciding Officer, P.O. Box 7669, Missoula, MT 59807; or
• USDA Forest Service, Northern Region, Attn: Appeal Deciding Officer, 200 East Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802.
Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., MST; Fax (406)-329-3411.
Electronic appeals must be submitted to For electronic appeals, the subject line should contain the name of the project being appealed. An automated response will confirm that your electronic appeal has been received. Electronic appeals must be submitted in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, or Rich Text Format (RTF).
It is the appellant’s responsibility to provide sufficient project- or activity- specific evidence and rationale, focusing on the decision, to show why the decision should be reversed. The appeal must be filed with the Appeal Deciding Officer in writing. At a minimum, the appeal must meet the content requirements of c6 CFR 215.14, and include the following information:
• The appellant’s name and address, with a telephone number, if available;
• A signature, or other verification of authorship upon request (a scanned signature
for electronic mail may be filed with the appeal):
• When multiple names are on an appeal, identification of the lead appellant and verification of the identity of the lead appellant upon request;
• The name of the project or activity for which the decision was made, the name and title of the Responsible Official, and the date of the decision;
• The regulation under which the appeal is being filed, when there is an option to appeal under either 36 CFR 215 or 36 CFR 251, subpart C;
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Clearwater National Forest Travel Planning Record of Decision
• Any specific change(s) in the decision that the appellant seeks and rationale for those changes;
• Any portion of the decision with which the appellant disagrees, and explanation for the disagreement;
• Why the appellant believes the Responsible Official’s decision failed to consider the substantive comments; and
• How the appellant believes the decision specifically violates law, regulation, or policy.
If no appeal is received, implementation of this decision may occur on, but not before, five business days from the close of the appeal filing period. If an appeal is received, implementation may not occur for 15 days following the date of appeal disposition.
Offer to meet: When an appeal is received under the rule, the Responsible Official (me), or my designee, must contact the appellant and offer to meet and discuss resolution of the issues raised in the appeal (36 CFR 215.17). If the appellant accepts the offer, the meeting must take place within 15 days after the closing date for filing an appeal (i.e., 45 to 60 days from the publication date of the legal notice of this decision in the Lewiston Morning Tribune). These meetings, if they take place, will be open to the public. For information about if, when, and where such a meeting is scheduled, please visit the following web site:
My decision to amend the Clearwater Forest Plan is also appealable under 36 CFR 217. Written appeals under this rule must also be submitted within 45 days following the publication date of the legal notice of this decision in the Lewiston Morning Tribune, Lewiston, Idaho, and should be sent to the same addresses indicated above for appeals under 36 CFR 215. Under the 36 CFR 217 rule there is no requirement that I make an offer to meet with the appellant. Appeals cannot be filed under both 36 CFR 215 and 36 CFR 217.
For additional information concerning this decision or the Forest Service appeal process, contact
• Kathy Rodriguez, North Fork District Ranger, Clearwater National Forest Supervisor’s Office, 12730 Highway 12, Orofino, Idaho 83544; 208-476-8223; or
• Lois Hill, Interdisciplinary Team Leader, Kamiah Ranger Station, 903 3rd Street, Kamiah, Idaho 83536; 208-935-4258.