Hang in there, guys....
This will pass. And the site WILL be stronger than ever. Is it a coincidence that for the most part only the objectionable "against-the-grain" types have been putting up the resistance? I think not.
I really couldn't care less about their comments these days, but the first couple years I was on this site it wasn't at all uncommon for one of "the good 'ol boys" of SW to open their yaps with little tidbits of input that would make me question why I was even on the site. What is wrong with just being polite and helpful? Is that too much to ask?
Bottom line such types of behavior are not new and pushes away those new to the site (along with a number of worthy long term contributors over the years who finally just had enough). If the current changes eliminate or even minimize such negative actions by making peeps accountable, then I am behind it all the way.
People don't like change. They never have.
But over the course of your lives I will guarantee there will be a few moves made that will make you ponder why it wasn't done sooner. This just might be one of them...