I just picked up an etrex Vista HCx over Christmas and have been very pleased with its reception so far. It is far better than the original etrex vista its replacing that would sometimes lose signal in my pack or under a jacket. I haven't had it out riding yet, but have used it in the basement of a two story house and still had two to five satellites, but it did lose signal periodically over the hour or so I was checking it. I put it under the rear bench seat of my truck during a three hour road trip and it tracked the entire trip. I have it on near the center of my house right now with 7 to 10 satellites. My original vista would never keep a signal inside any building or under any significant cover.
The color screen is also a big improvement. Although its slightly smaller than the original grayscale vista screen, the color makes up for it. I can understand the complaints about the buttons and it does take some time to get used to, but once you get them memorized its very easy to navigate with.
Cabelas was also having a package sale on these units that includes a nice case with belt clip, Garmin MapSource 2008, and a 128 Mb SD card for the retail cost of the unit alone. Not sure if this sale is still on but it was a pretty good deal.
The color screen is also a big improvement. Although its slightly smaller than the original grayscale vista screen, the color makes up for it. I can understand the complaints about the buttons and it does take some time to get used to, but once you get them memorized its very easy to navigate with.
Cabelas was also having a package sale on these units that includes a nice case with belt clip, Garmin MapSource 2008, and a 128 Mb SD card for the retail cost of the unit alone. Not sure if this sale is still on but it was a pretty good deal.