hope everyone got the itch scratched the last couple weeks because the next few weeks look pretty bad as far as snow goes, little to none till around the 10th of December....hope for the best!
what ever you are doing for a snow dance stop it and do something else because it isn't working....forecast looks real bad for the next while unless you ride the bighorns maybe. Alaska and Stewart BC area are going to get POUNDED in the meantime.
Ya this sucks so far. We have basically nothing compared to last year at this time. We took the wheelers to our cabin yesterday and had some fun. Took the sleds up thursady to Guards and got 40 miles in but still got to to stay on roads or meadows you KNOW there are no rocks. Hopefully it comes our way soon.
We all had our memories washed away by last years awesome snow.....now we seem to be back to normal, we will need a small miracle to be riding off trail snow by Christmas. Looks like no storms at all through the end of next week....the 16th of december.