with due respect...education and awareness within almost anything does not come from a class room...it comes from experience in the area that is the subject of the discussion..
experience is the result of time and time is the gaining of experience..
any given time cannot be shortened or extended...it is what it is..
and again with due respect...
you need some time...
annddd it was established that i have experience in the area that is the subject in the discussion. u know... the one that got deleted.... BUT, im always willing to further educate myself in other areas, and experience many things, which is why i have done many things, putting in time to gain experience. and there's always more experience to be gained, and with that comes time.
so i agree with you part way,
but i do know the ins, and outs, and everything inbetween in the area that is the subject of the discussion (the subject in the thread that got deleted, which for some reason we're arguing pointlessly about in this thread), so no extra experience is needed in that specific area. just time. because with time, comes money as well. and the longer you're in something, the more money you make.
im sure we're all just rambling on, at this point, finding any and every thing to try to be right about. fueling it more and more....
isnt it crazy how that works? its applied in other areas as well.
as we all sit here, putting in the effort, to try to proove eachother wrong, we could be cooking ourselves a nice steak or something.
and im very hungry now, and its all your guys' fault that i had to answer to everyone, and give everyone all the right answers...
why cant we all just get along as fellow snowmobilers?
why cant we just all be friends? lol.
but again, at least i know that i ended up being right in the first place...
u know... the thread that got deleted....
oohhh maaannnn.. a steak is sounding bomb right now...
best recipe for a steak... IMO..
steak of your choice. seasoning of your choice. use a goerge foreman double sided contact grill or whatever you wanna call it... the one with heat on the metal that touches both sides of the steak. cook it how you want it about 2/3 through your steaks cooking process. and take mustard. spread mustard on both sides. season both sides. spread grape jelly on one side. finish cooking it for the remaining 1/3 of the time.