Hey guys and gals
I want to ride tomorrow at Gold Creek and I want to double my 3 year old who the size of my 5 year old daughter. I am a good rider but I want to know is getting to the tower or riding this area in general super technical, steep, difficult? Just looking for some trail, rolling meadows, small hills, fun for Dad and boy, nothing crazy.
Out of 4 kids ages 9, 7,5 and 3 The 3 year old is only wants who wants to ride. As soon as he sees the trailer hooked-up he starts asking to go snowmobiling. If I leave him behind he cries all day until I get back.
I have never ridden this area so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully be tonight or early morning.
I want to ride tomorrow at Gold Creek and I want to double my 3 year old who the size of my 5 year old daughter. I am a good rider but I want to know is getting to the tower or riding this area in general super technical, steep, difficult? Just looking for some trail, rolling meadows, small hills, fun for Dad and boy, nothing crazy.
Out of 4 kids ages 9, 7,5 and 3 The 3 year old is only wants who wants to ride. As soon as he sees the trailer hooked-up he starts asking to go snowmobiling. If I leave him behind he cries all day until I get back.

I have never ridden this area so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully be tonight or early morning.
