this was a great find. it makes it clear that the GoPro is much more vibrant in color than the Contour. i did watch the other video between just the contour and GoPro in the fish tank, but i really don't consider it a valuable source since it was on Contour's website (i feel like one company will alter something in what ever software they use to edit, just to prove there's is better, not by any means saying that's what happened, i just prefer to see a third party present a product against product video). according to the video on Contours site, the GoPro has a much worse auto focus. i would like to hear a little more if anybody has has any issues with that. from most other GoPro videos i've watch, it never seemed to look like an issue. i know from my experience of action sport photography that a lot of high speed action is involved, so i spend more time worrying about the big picture than a lot of the super small details, so flying down a trail that looks killer is more important than moving slowly under water getting some close-ups of fish.
another thing i picked up on was the focal lengths. are they adjustable on either model? if not i like the GoPro's much better. its just a scooch shorter than the Contours, which makes a world of differences if u r doing a follow cam of someone.
i do enjoy the small tight package that the Contour has, instead of GoPro's big bulky block that hangs of the side of a helmet, seems like an easy way to get torn off. another thing that really does make me excited is the GPS on the Contour. i love maps and showing people places i've been in the wilderness and showing people where my good little spots are, and now this makes it easier to find on a map AND actually show them! that a triple thumbs up from me.
so there's a toss up. get a GoPro because of its shorter(but not super fishy) focal length and its much better color qualities, or get a Contour because of its better designed shape and its fancy GPS system? makes you wish u had the ability to build your own stuff doesn't it?lol...