Hatchers: "those guys are haters cause i ride where a sled gets damaged....i ride with two guys that have more skills then me, ACmtncat and his buddy(squirrel Jesus)....the others dont impress me....yawn"
What a cocky motha...busted buddy. SO your saying that everyones else you ride with is a beater, huh? OK, I'll try to remember that....next time you're hopelessly stuck. Better shine up yer shovel there.

The difference between Timmay, Aaron and you Ray, and other riders, say me or Boss, is that we have to come home at the end of the day, and then go to work the next day so we can support our families. Self-preservation is stronger and more important for Daddy riders than some other types.
If that makes me a beater, so be it. My kids will love me for it. Maybe you will survive long enough to gain that perspective tree-licker.
Anyone wanna take bets on the longevity of a certain turbo'd sled?