Got off work last night after 10 hard hours of racking my brain at the office, and needed a little boost to give me some motivation to do finishing work on my basement (bought a new house this summer with unfinished basement). I walked back to the energy drink division (I think every gas station has about 25 coolers with cans of whatever labeled ENERGY) and grabbed my favorite which happens to be sugar free Red Bull. As I grab a can and start to turn around, I couldn’t help notice a sign on the door that read “NOW ACCEPTING EBT FOR RED BULL AND MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS!!!!”
“WTF” I ask myself…..Nothing makes my blood boil more as when I see someone with 40 kids crawling on and around their cart at the grocery store unloaded $150 of over processed, unhealthy frozen dinners, pay for them with EBT and then whip out cash to pay for their smokes and booze right after. However, knowing that someone can buy energy drinks with it gets me even more pissed. Water, milk, and juice are necessary beverages that people who can’t pay for their own food deserve. Pop, coolade, and energy drinks are something they DON’T need to live day to day. I can’t wait until these people develop diabetes from drinking to many sugar laden drinks and receive free health care……..
“WTF” I ask myself…..Nothing makes my blood boil more as when I see someone with 40 kids crawling on and around their cart at the grocery store unloaded $150 of over processed, unhealthy frozen dinners, pay for them with EBT and then whip out cash to pay for their smokes and booze right after. However, knowing that someone can buy energy drinks with it gets me even more pissed. Water, milk, and juice are necessary beverages that people who can’t pay for their own food deserve. Pop, coolade, and energy drinks are something they DON’T need to live day to day. I can’t wait until these people develop diabetes from drinking to many sugar laden drinks and receive free health care……..