Somewhere between too dumb to quit and flat earth
I was under the impression that the det sensor listens for a certain frequency that it thinks is detonation. I am wondering if the head changes the frequency at which the motor will detonate negating its effectiveness.
the same head brad maid for the dragons will bolt up to our new sleds. I am not aware of much changes. It is not only the higher compression, but the shape of the dome.
I did extensive testing last year on my 09 dragon i was building for hillclimbing and after i ate my first set of pistons, i put hte stock head on because i had a long trip planned and didn't want any issues. I took the sled for 2 hour night ride and went home, added a bit more fuel to my map, swapped heads that night and enjoyed some epic snow with no bogs.
Thease heads work. nuff said. Buy one and enjoy it, or get your *** kicked by another stock pro that has $400 more into it.