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Future of education?

I had a long response but then decide not to bring myself down to your level
That is cool, it went to my email anyways.. want me to post if for you?lol

Did you watch the end of the video yet? For me, that was the best part... Showing the results of an actual class room.

If you wife watches the movie and has some comments / points then that is great. Obviously she knows more then me about teaching and if this method would allow her more opportunities in the class room.

I guess I am getting frustrated with people thinking this is a blame parents / blame teachers / blame everyone thread about education in this country. My apologies if I upset you or crossed the line.

This thread was supposed to be about one possible change in teaching methodology that might be better for ALL kids in school. This obviously isn't THE solution, but it might be a part of any fix.

Though I guess I have a case of the "spossed ta's"
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I did watch the video and am familiar with this guy after seeing him interviewed in the past by Bill Maher I believe. I'm all for this kind of teaching. This puts the burden on the student rather than the teacher. The swiss cheese anology with regards to students being ready for moving on to the next chapter rings home Lord knows there are issues with our education system that might be more systemic from our profound change in culture. For whatever reason, we seem to group kids by age rather than ability. This helps with that issue.
I realize this is several months late but how do you hold someone accountable for actions that most of which are outside their control. IF you want some educational accountability first you need to go MUCH higher than a simple teacher... Try the state and the federal level that's where the real problem is with education. Saying teachers are responsible for the plight of education is like saying the weatherman is responsible for the tree that fell on your house during the wind storm.

Why is it in this country whenever there is some sort of deficiency in some facet we must ALWAYS look for some one to "HOLD ACCOUNTABLE" or basically BLAME.... Doesn't matter if your a iron worker a school teacher or in the space program whenever someone decide's that something went wrong or is deficient then someone needs to take the fall for it...

Thats whats really wrong with this country instead of trying to improve our process or fix whats broken instead we must first waste time finding the person who is at fault to make ourselves feel or look better... Then you wonder why country's like Japan and China leave us in the dust in almost every way...

You want to know what Japan does instead of wasting time blaming people for things that they cant control? Look up Kiazen and start reading.. Its part of the reason Toyota came over here and push our auto manufacturer's into bankruptcy.

I dont normally like Citing Wikipedia but in this case its the only real thing that give the break down of the process.


I'll give you the 5 main points of Kaizen....

Personal discipline
Improved morale
Suggestions for improvement

They apply this philosophy to all facets of life... Which is why they are so successful in most things that they do. They spend their time fixing whats broken. Out of all 5 what do you see that's missing from America? Oh yeah thats right... BLAME....
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At the school where my child is studying, the children are learning Spanish. My daughter is additionally engaged with a native speaker here. It is better to learn spoken Spanish in online lessons, and grammar - in school
Any work must be paid! But only if the person works. I work remotely during quarantine, but the results of my work are visible. For example, my Spanish tutor admitted that compared to teaching at school, online lessons bring him more income.
If you know any language well, you can make a good living with a personal tutor by giving private lessons via Skype.
As we've seen recently, there most certainly are some horseshit teachers out there.
Any teacher such as this one shouldn't be fired, they should be strung up in the center of town.

School cancelled , winter weather advisory because it's snowing eight miles out of town and hillside has some snow on the ground . Conditions at the moment , not seeing it , I must live in the old school world .

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