It could be one of a hundred things...or combos of several. Take it to a qualified dealer for breakdown and analysis. The system has so many tech electrical related aspects you could chase this for the entire season.
That experience is common on an exhaust sensor coding. It reads ohms from a heat coupler converts to a written program parameter and initiates a fail safe when your EGT is outside that parameter. Usually this 10%ish addition of fuel generally runs your system right down to what you experience. Sometimes you will see a code flash and for another unexplained reason it will not actually code and only a qualified dealer will be able to see this situation. Now generally speaking this might not just be a sensor going bad it might indicate that you are experiencing a lean condition at these times and your pipe sensor is telling you so.
That experience is common on an exhaust sensor coding. It reads ohms from a heat coupler converts to a written program parameter and initiates a fail safe when your EGT is outside that parameter. Usually this 10%ish addition of fuel generally runs your system right down to what you experience. Sometimes you will see a code flash and for another unexplained reason it will not actually code and only a qualified dealer will be able to see this situation. Now generally speaking this might not just be a sensor going bad it might indicate that you are experiencing a lean condition at these times and your pipe sensor is telling you so.