The king is pron to stabbing a track. especially with drop brackets. If you drop to the lower hole on the front of the skid you will really be running the risk of stabbing a track. It sucks I did it!
Here is how i see it. If you are running drop brackets, and you move the front of the skid down, you are right back to the same geometry as stock. If you are not running drop brackets and you drop to the lower hole you had better be in some kind of wheelie contest!! Because you will never get the skis to stay down!
i can't see that , if you have drop brackets or what i have (sledjunkies) it raises the rear of the rear of the sled, so this moves the rails up towards the drivers , doesn't it?moves rail tips away from the track. so by lowering the susp one hole it moves it back more towards a stock setup, no?