An 80 year old priest gets arrested for saying murdering a baby is wrong.
There are 2 issues here:
1)Freedom of speech
The crime:
Father Norman Weslin was practicing of his right to freedom of speech, and did it in a peaceful fashion.
He objected to abortion on religious grounds.
He sang his favorite religious songs.
He was practicing his faith.
He said murdering innocent babies was wrong.
He violated no one’s rights to do what they wanted.
So what is the crime?
On the flip side, this behavior is legal:
Protestors have the right to scream “F**K Bush, or F**k God in public.
Profanity is permitted now.
People have the right to slander, mock, lie, unfairly ridicule, and abuse their freedom of speech in public now, in order to intentionally harm others.
It is done all the time in Congress, on the Internet, and on TV.
Sexual talk, descriptions of sexual behavior, and immodest behavior is almost daily life now in public media.
There is no censure of this material.
Why are these behaviors permitted, but an 80 year old man cannot defend innocent life in a peaceful way?
Problem- ????:
What is ironic is that this happened on a private Christian University Campus. Why were the police even there? .
What is more ironic is that a Christian University would allow a pro-death President on its campus, to honor him with a degree he did not earn,
allow the abuse of one of its elders to be dragged off like a dog to jail for defending innocent life.
No wonder the unbelievers mock us.
Here is the real time footage.
There are 2 issues here:
1)Freedom of speech
The crime:
Father Norman Weslin was practicing of his right to freedom of speech, and did it in a peaceful fashion.
He objected to abortion on religious grounds.
He sang his favorite religious songs.
He was practicing his faith.
He said murdering innocent babies was wrong.
He violated no one’s rights to do what they wanted.
So what is the crime?
On the flip side, this behavior is legal:
Protestors have the right to scream “F**K Bush, or F**k God in public.
Profanity is permitted now.
People have the right to slander, mock, lie, unfairly ridicule, and abuse their freedom of speech in public now, in order to intentionally harm others.
It is done all the time in Congress, on the Internet, and on TV.
Sexual talk, descriptions of sexual behavior, and immodest behavior is almost daily life now in public media.
There is no censure of this material.
Why are these behaviors permitted, but an 80 year old man cannot defend innocent life in a peaceful way?
Problem- ????:
What is ironic is that this happened on a private Christian University Campus. Why were the police even there? .
What is more ironic is that a Christian University would allow a pro-death President on its campus, to honor him with a degree he did not earn,
allow the abuse of one of its elders to be dragged off like a dog to jail for defending innocent life.
No wonder the unbelievers mock us.
Here is the real time footage.