Just throwing it out to all, I'm meeting some friends for a ride at the Fishlake snow park on Saturday for a break in ride on the new sleds. If you have never sledded the trail system here (or have) this will be great area to put on some easy miles on the sleds for the beginning of the season. This is for all, no mater your riding level, just a great place to meet new peep's for future ride's. Will meet at the Fishlake snow park at 9:00 and leave around 10:00. You can PM me or post, so I have an idea on how many might show up. You can stop by the local stores for a map of the trail systems or go on line and print the map off.There are places to eat after if you want, and places to stay if you hit up the web for the Fishlake area!
This looks like it's going to be a good year for sledding
This looks like it's going to be a good year for sledding