So I found an acceptable deal on a Halon Compatible Fire Extinguisher.
Fire Extinguisher w/ Wall Hook (2.5 LB BC ProPlus 2.5 H Halotron I)
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$129.99 </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px;"><td style="visibility: hidden;">
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Technical Details
- Size: 2.5 lbs - Dimensions: 14.88" H X 6.13" W X 3" Deep
- Model Number: 2.5 HB-2 - UL Rating: 2-B:C
- Agent Flow Rate: .28 lbs - Effective Against Class: HALOTRON-1
- Shipping: 6.85 lbs - Discharge Time: 9 sec
- Discharge Range: 6 to 10 ft - Operating Pressure: 100 PSI
Effective Against Class: HALOTRON-1 -
Shipping: 6.85 lbs -
Discharge Time: 9 sec -
Discharge Range: 6 to 10 ft -
Operating Pressure: 100 PSI -
Expellant: ARGON -
Temperature Range:
-40 degrees F to 120 degrees F; -40 degrees C to 49 degrees C -
Cylinder Material: STEEL -
Valve Material: PLATED BRASS -
- Properties: - Contains an extremely versatile and effective multipurpose clean extinguishing agent able to address most fire risks typically found in commercial and industrial applications - Ideally suited for computer rooms, data storage, telecommunication, robotics or any high tech industrial process that requires an effective clean agent having an extended discharge range -
An environmentally acceptable Halon-1211 alternative - Corrosion resistant epoxy powder paint finish - UL Listed and USCG Approved ? Meets D.O.T. requirements -
12 year periodic hydrostatic test interval - 6 year product warranty -
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