The road washed out at Bear Paw the first year I started sledding. I finally got to ride there on the 3rd. Had a lot of fun but man we need snow. We had first tracks all the way in but the base is so hard and icy you had to ride to where the wind piled up all the snow. Some areas were a lot of fun with up to 2' of snow, some areas were really icy. Going to be an avy nightmare when we get snow this week. Be careful. Also, it was cold. I never get cold and there was a few times where I got a little chilled. Also, those lakes in there were not frozen solid. We were skirting the edges and a group came in and was riding right through the middle. On the way out we ripped across one and right at the edge was a big hole filled with slush where the water was seeping through. I am sure they are all frozen up tight by now though. Hope to get back up there this week after it dumps.