I started going to Cooke City over 15 years ago and yes I did everything wrong, like most people have. To be truthful I've told many people that I should be dead for the stupid **** I've done out there, I don't do that stupid stuff anymore. I've gotton older and wiser. Not a sales pitch but I've thought for some time that guys will spend $12,000 on a new sled but when they come into the store to look at avy packs I hear, I'll think about it.
I added up the price of an Avy Bag, Beacon, Probe and Shovel and it came to $1,110 for all four pieces, and many times these are on sale if a person looks around the web a little. Yes you can spend much more than this if you want to but at least you'll have avy gear. We run specials, I know SnowBigDeal runs specials from time to time as do several others. If you do the math all four items are 9% the price of a new sled. I'm just putting the numbers out there so that if anyone is reading this post that does not have avy gear, in the scheme of things it is not that much money. One more note, if you don't have avy gear do a couple of Google searches and sign up for 3 or 4 email blast for different companies you'd like to buy from, sooner or later you'll get an email with avy gear on sale, you can always be removed when you get your gear.
I would think you should be able to get everything for way less than $1,110 if you wait it out. Oh, TAKE AN AVY CLASS, it will open your eyes. It did mine.
With all that said I really do feel for the family and hate reading a headline like this.
God Bless and RIP.