I would love to meet one of the land owners that would give permission to go up on the Peterson side.
Is there any hope?
A few years ago I was up there riding my 925 by myself and came across a group and one of them scratched his phone number where you put your feet but I no longert have that machine and did not take the time to write it down else where.
I wouldn't hold your breath.
Last year and year prior things were going downhill quickly.
This year things started out good, but after our last ride my friend got a phone call and we were blamed for running over a pipe and breaking it even though we didn't even ride where the pipe was broken.
The biggest problem I see is too many land owners, and you have to cross multiple land owners property to get up top.
Our good friend lives in peterson and pretty much has 1 of the 2 right of way properties to get up and past the canal.
It is usually 1 guy in particular that complains and or has problems with snowmobilers.
He acused us of taking multiple people up when it was just the 2 of us.
We try and help with anything we can, and tend to "tread lightly" and be aware of fences and property lines.
Sadly It is only a matter of time until we are unable to ride up there... Hopefully we will get a few more years before this happens.
They also have parties up ther with multiple snowmobilers/sledders... They had a big party saturday and they ride the lower fields... We are almost positive this is when the pipe was broken.
We usually avoid the weekends and ride there only during the week... Next time we plan a ride I will try to shoot you a PM in advance and see if you would like to join us.
Its a 5 minute drive from my friends house and 15 minutes for me to get to peterson... Not to mention some of the best terrain in utah up there... I sure hope we are able to go for a while.