Did you ever break a mount bolt last season? No
Can you confirm that the bolts that mount the motor mount straps to the bulkhead are tight and not broken? (#13) No, not yet
Did you actually pull out the torque arm... put a drift pin in the hole in the rubber and flex it to look for tears in the rubber or cracks in the arm?No, just ordered a new one after watching the primary bolt shift rearward under load
Are the brackets on the bulkhead tight? (#2, 3, 5, 6, Need to confirm
Did you inspect the actual rubber motor mounts? (#11, 15, 20) Replaced with 2012 update, original 2011 were deformed from load
Is #9 securely bolted to the case and not cracked at all? (#7) Need to confirm
Is #3/5 securely bolted to the chassis? Need to confirm
Is the Jackshaft bearing in good shape? (IMO... replace that non-greasable suckker and have the peace of mind that goes with it.)No idea, need to confirm
Did you disassemble the secondary and check for smooth operation and put in a new spring (you should have 2 brand new springs in there this season on the Pri and Sec)?Primary completely rebuilt re machined by Carl's, will check secondary-- are you checking "smoothness" with spring removed?there are currently three delrins installed, will remove two
When the belt went at 900 miles... how did it "go"? (violent on a climb or on the trail etc)Not a catastrophic failure at all. Pulled cord out of side of belt. All other belt failures were same mode. All 115's. No catastrophic failures, just insane amounts of heat and pulled cords in shorter and shorter number of miles
BTW.. with that many miles and looking for another good season did you
Replace the pistons/rings? No, need to reinspect piston skirts and when cleaning exhaust valves
New fuel filter?Yes at 1500 miles
Clean injectors? No
Clean exhaust valves?Yes, four or five times, will do it again
Replace oil filter on injection line? Yes, funny looking little plastic filter
Need to reinstall primary on 2012 and fire it up and compare 2011 movement to 2012 movement