I have found Polaris extended warranties are worth their weight in gold. I ride 2,000 to 2,400 miles per year and have yet to have a motor run more than 2,300 miles or 105 hours before needing major work. No dealer has ever mentioned that they were rode hard and put away wet. I give them the $50.00 deductible and they fix the rest, usually just short block the motor (~$4,000). My 2012 had two top end replacements and 1 stator in 4,200 miles (~$4,800). My 2014 had 4 motors replaced in 3 years, my cost $200.00. Had I not had warranty ~$16,000, forgot to mention 2 stators at $420.00 each and a $480.00 wiring harness replacement. My 2017 just lost it's first at 2,300 miles, my cost $65.00 for a $4,300 motor replacement. Your dealer may be asking a bit much for that 2 year extension, typically that's a $650.00 add on. If your adding as I go that's ~$25,300.00 in fulfilled warranty claims for $1,100.00 out of pocket. My "12 and '14 were purchased at a time in the season when Polaris offered the 3 year for free. If you feel you're going to ride +2,000 miles over the next three seasons it's a no brainer.