I am the proud new owner of two Yamaha Exciters. One '88 and one '91. They run great most of the time. The problem I am having is when I get into deep powder and start carving, both sleds sometimes bog out. The track will eventually stop and then the sled will not rev past 4500rmp...not enough to get the track going again. I can solve the problem every time by opening the hood. At this point the seld will rev again, track will spin and off i go with the hood open. Once out of the powder and can close the hood and all is well. The plugs don't seem to be fouling...both machines have 136" X 1.5" tracks, and the '91 has an aftermarket pipe, but besides this all stock. Any ideas on how to avoid this problem? I am guessing i'm getting snow in the intake or exhuast. but being new to sleds that is just a guess. the '91 has some of the insulation taken out from under the hood, but the '88's is all intact, so i don't know if this could be the problem. thanks for an ideas.