Vector Boy,
Thanks for trying to clear this up.
Idaho Slim,
I give up trying to get you to understand. I've been teaching avalanche classes for 15 years, been advocating avalanche packs for years, own all three brands of packs, have looked at all the accident statistics for ABS avalanche packs, look at all the avalanche statistics every year, talked to many students who have deployed packs in avalanches, and have used all the packs. I have also talked to some of the biggest retailers of avalanche air bags packs who have deployed hundreds and the manufacturers who deploy 100's and 100's of times a year. They confirm what I am saying. The manufacturers have trained me on the use of their packs.
The facts are that only about 5% of the people who are caught in avalanches do not deploy the packs. Get this straight: 95% of the people have the composure to pull the handle. If you deploy the pack, you have a 98% chance of having the pack visible on the surface or you visible on the surface. People do have the composure to pull the handle. It is suggested that you pull the handle before the avalanche hits you or as you are trying to get out of the way of the avalanche. People do have the composure to pull the handle while engulfed in an avalanche, just as a whitewater kayaker has the composure to pull the grab loop on a spray skirt in class 5 rapids. Same thing with sky diving. It all happens because of training, practice, thinking and memory.
Honestly Slim, have you ever taken an avalanche class?
Just a heads up: Read the directions, practice pulling the handle,practice reaching for the handle, deploy the pack before the avalanche hits you (which I know is not always possible, since you can get blind sided).