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Ever dealt with a bad dealer?



New member
I live in the far NE corner of wyoming. I can't buy anything around here reasonable so I get on the internet.

I found Roger's Sport Center in Cody. '08 Summit X 154 w/ 1300 miles for $5500.00 Sweet deal right?

I call, talk to Justin - everything sounds cool. I say I'll send a deposit of $3K and try to pick up the sled within a couple weeks. My wife fails to mail the deposit in 2 days, and I decide I will just mail the check for the $5500. Couple days later, my buddies want to take a trip and say they'll drive if I pay for fuel. I'm thinking 1 day down early, ride a few hours in the bighorns and come back...

I call Justin @ the dealer. I'll be down tomorrow. He already said they had went through the clutch, and it was A-OK ready to go. If my check doesn't show up, I'll write you a new one. My wife, being smart, says I should take 2 checks along...

We start driving down. My other buddy has been thinking about getting a XP and then says, "guys, I'll have to buy a new sled if I want to ride today, I forgot my tether!" Sweet! I might get a free cover out of this...

We get down there @ 9:30 - tells us to come back in 30 minutes, should be ready to sign papers. We come back...

Lie #1 Sled isn't ready to go.
Lie #2 Sled isn't an "X" model, "our mistake, it has "X" sidepanels" I'm told

Justin says they will throw on a can to offset the sled not being an X model. I finally say OK, and my buddy starts talking about getting one of their other '08 Ski Doo's... We find another sled on their website in his price range, but it's all torn apart. Justin makes it known that the big wheel kit might not go with the sled...ok, whatever.

Something doesn't seem right here at all. By now we are getting close to noon. I spot an '08 summit X missing it's side panels. It's a 163 what I really wanted. I quiz my salesman Justin about that one (thinking of my buddy) and we find out it would take a full day to get that one ready to sell/buy/ride. Justin stated earlier that they don't hardly ever trade for sleds that have over 2,000 miles on them. This sled has 3300 miles. By now we are wondering what kind of hole in the wall dealer we have driven 5 hours to get to...

We continue to pace the floor until about 1 in the afternoon. I B.S. the VERY NICE MECHANICS in the back while they work on my sled. I am a dirtbiker/car guy - willing to soak up anything I can about the new hobby I'm getting into. Finally the mechanic says "we have to powerwash the sled" and I'm thinking well, the day is wasted anyways, whatever. 20 minutes rolls by and I finally go back to see what is taking so long.

Lie #3 - sled has 1000 more miles than advertised.
Lie #4 - they often trade sleds with more than 2,000 miles

The F'ing sled has 2300+ miles not the 1300 miles that I'm supposed to be getting. I'm instantly pissed. I bitch at the mechanic, saying it was supposed to be 1) ready to go 2) be a summit X model 3) have 1300 miles. The mechanic then tells me "you can't believe anything Justin tells you"

I walk back into the sales floor, patiently wait for Justin to finish yaking with some guys up front. "We've got another problem, the sled is supposed to have 1300 miles not 2300. I drove a long ways to get a low mileage sled. I could have driven 10 miles and bought an '07 with the same miles and $3500 in aftermarket goodies FOR $5000!!!!. So now what?"

Justin stammers about how he told me about how it had a new engine. "I
told you about how we update all the '08s because of the crank problems"

Lie #5 - never told me about having engine work done.

The girl who works up front must have caught on how this was going downhill quickly, soon the boss (owner?) walks in - she must have called him and told him to come soon. "Justin, what do we have going on with this sled?"

Lie #6 - I come to find out due to some "problems" with the website they have already sold this '08 summit X 154 and they just found out that morning they had a "mix up"

Now, I'm obviously pissed. The owner, says he'll sell the sled for $5000. So, now I'm thinking I should walk out, but I need a sled, I want an XP chassis, and that's still a pretty good deal, JUST HAS HIGH MILES arrrrgh! Keep in mind I've already signed paperwork, and my 1st check!

So, I say if you throw in a cover for $5000 I'll take it. Finally I go back out to load my sled that is sitting next to a '08 Summit X missing it's side covers.... The sidecovers on my sled look like hell, and obviously came off this summit X. This infuriates me, but I load it and just shut the hell up.

Then they struggled for 1 1/2 hours programming a $30.00 tether to a '98 ski doo sled for my buddy...

Finally we leave around 3 PM.

It's one thing to have a liar salesman. I can expect some of that. Switching sidepanels to try and cover it up is another - but being the boss, and coming up with excuses for your lying cheat of a salesman puts you in a league of scum.


We did end up staying in Cody that night, and then taking "oh, it's a short drive to Cooke City" 2 hour drive to Cooke. Snow was great and I quickly learned how to flick my sled around. It was my 5th time on a snowmobile :D I had bought a '02 summit X, rode it for a day and spent 4 minutes on my buddies '10 summit.

I look forward to learning about places to ride, sleds, and people. Sorry for bashing a dealer here, I just couldn't help but share my experience.
I'm glad you got to ride and hope you are happy in the end with your new sled but IMHO what you should have done was tell the salesman to pack the deal in his @ss and walked out. At that point you could have posted all of this to pass on the info to others of a "poor dealership". If everything was wrong with the deal you should never have taken it... I hope the sled runs out good and never gives you a problem as you will only kick yourself later if you find problems. Just my opinion on the deal...

Good luck and enjoy the riding.
Good luck and enjoy the riding.

Thanks, but trust me it was hard to contain myself. I've lost my cool in the past - I'm getting older now. It was still a good buy, and maybe through this thread they will get what they have coming.
Dude that sucks. That REALY sucks. I was pissed when i got my pro from rexburg.

I called and confirmed that htey had a 2011 assualt that was ORANGE. THe slaesman confirmed. I went ot the bank, got the loan and the check, called him to let him know and he informs me that it was silver.

I freaked the **** out. I was so pissed. But my friends talked me down and told me it owuld match my truck and that orange is gay...blah blah blah.

So i get there, and am finishing up paperwork when i was informed that it has a 1 year warranty, not a 2 year warranty.... WTF? The slaesman told me several times that all of their pros come with the 2 year warranty and it was part of the price... So i spent another $1300 on it. The sled didn't come with any gas or oil, no plugs, no belt, no cover, no nothing. They wouldn't do a damn thing about the problems and i will never buy another sled from them. I thought they had the best survice in the west? WRONG.

the worst part was, that i knew more about the sled than the salesperson did, and i had never even seen one untill i walked in the door. :mad2:

I do like the sled, and the silver is growing on me.. BUT how hard is it to check what color the sled is before i take a loan out for $12000?
Why are you even on this forum? Don't you have some 15 year olds you can go hang out with? Buy them a pack of smokes or something so they think you are cool cause no one on hear does. :amen:

i was commenting on the flakey dealer.pull your head out...:face-icon-small-win
the rest of us have to put up with bad dealers EXACTLY because of the two stories told here.

GROW A PAIR & WALK THE HECK OUT!!!!!!:tsk::tsk::tsk:

If you want to stick around & be the sucker that buys a doo with a THOUSAND miles more & isn't what they way it is for only $500 less... then you deserve the deal you got. IF you are willing to pay 1300 for something they told you was included... then you deserve the deal you got. (if you REALLY believe that the difference between a 1300 mile sled & a 2300 miles sled is only $500... I've got a bridge for you, great deal)

It makes me sick hearing people say they got screwed, they KNEW it, and then they went ahead & bought from that dealer anyhow.

pull out your PHONE next time... and make a few calls, so you can avoid the scams of some worthless salesman.
the rest of us have to put up with bad dealers EXACTLY because of the two stories told here.

GROW A PAIR & WALK THE HECK OUT!!!!!!:tsk::tsk::tsk:

If you want to stick around & be the sucker that buys a doo with a THOUSAND miles more & isn't what they way it is for only $500 less... then you deserve the deal you got. IF you are willing to pay 1300 for something they told you was included... then you deserve the deal you got. (if you REALLY believe that the difference between a 1300 mile sled & a 2300 miles sled is only $500... I've got a bridge for you, great deal)

It makes me sick hearing people say they got screwed, they KNEW it, and then they went ahead & bought from that dealer anyhow.

pull out your PHONE next time... and make a few calls, so you can avoid the scams of some worthless salesman.

sucks to hear it, but that is the truth right there..
It's like voting worthless politicians BACK into office... oh crap, we keep doing THAT too...

WTF is wrong with ALL of us!!!???:tsk:
buy local

and spend
$1500-$2500 for the same sled from an a-hole owned dealership? The guy in Gillette is nice, has good prices - but didn't have a sled for under $6500.

I lack deep pockets of money to waste on pride. They lost money, after 5 hours of waiting for the sled to be done, I had looked it over enough to know what I was getting into. Of course, you can't tear the engine down to see what you're getting - but, where could a person do that anyways?

What exactly am I supposed to do with my phone to avoid a scam? That's what I did in the first place. It wasn't until I was there first hand did I see the screwing coming down the pipe.

I'm soo sorry I'm the cause of all the crappy dealers around. Gimmie a break. I'm supposed to walk away, let them repeat the process (and make the full asking price!) on some Soldier's wife buying her man a surprise gift for his Christmas leave? They'll find someone to buy it. It's not like they're going to fold up shop over my lost sale.

Show me where you can buy a '08 XP 154" that isn't twisted up for under $5K.

Not that I was looking for sympathy, but I never expected I would be to blamed for this. Now that you made me think about it, I'm the reason the economy sucks too!
When you post a thread like this, we-the readers are assuming you are soliciting our input.
Don't get too defensive just because that feedback does not reflect your opinion.
by pick up the phone, I meant call around & find another deal nearby (guessing there was probably a sled or two for sale in cooke.

IF you got a good deal, then cool, I'm happy you made lemonade from those lemons, but I hope you can see the point I made as well? It's ALL of us, not just YOU!

As for the economy... thanks for spending that money, you're doing your part :D!!

I'm about to spend nearly $20k this week on a new machine... but I know EXACTLY who I'm dealing with & what I'll see when the sled shows up at my door in about 12 days. I could save about $800 by going elsewhere, but I only spend my money with people I trust... that $800 comes back for me EVERY time!!!

that 800 has NOTHING to do with pride. It's an investment I'm making into future relationships & being taken care of when I need it.
Bike shop here in town f!cked me over on a bike this summer. A part broke on the truck when it was shipped and they said it would be done by the end of the week. Went in on friday after summer school to get it before work and it wasn't done yet and they didn't know when it would be done and i was also late to work by about 30min that day because they didn't offer me another bike to take temp. or even a ride to work. So i walked out and bought online(ended up getting a fairly similar bike for $150 less). Ya it sucks but when you walk out instead of wasting a day dealing with their crap you dont get anything done besides getting screwed. Like said before if you would have looked around and CALLED people/dealers you could have gotten a better deal and would have gotten more riding in.
the rest of us have to put up with bad dealers EXACTLY because of the two stories told here.

GROW A PAIR & WALK THE HECK OUT!!!!!!:tsk::tsk::tsk:

If you want to stick around & be the sucker that buys a doo with a THOUSAND miles more & isn't what they way it is for only $500 less... then you deserve the deal you got. IF you are willing to pay 1300 for something they told you was included... then you deserve the deal you got. (if you REALLY believe that the difference between a 1300 mile sled & a 2300 miles sled is only $500... I've got a bridge for you, great deal)

It makes me sick hearing people say they got screwed, they KNEW it, and then they went ahead & bought from that dealer anyhow.

pull out your PHONE next time... and make a few calls, so you can avoid the scams of some worthless salesman.

There are no assualts in the area. That was the only one availible that wasn't used and i didn't waant a used $11,000 sled. I drove 500 miles to get that one...Sometimes you have to take what you get. Riding is more important than $. Eventhough i took the deal, im still pissed about it. But now i get to ride.
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