Cargo Trailer, enclosed on a budget
Over the years I've struggled with finding the right trailer setup to use year round. I sled, dirtbike, streetbike, and summer camp. The 2 place snowmobile trailers just didn't seem to work for me in the summer, as the street bike won't clear the ramp to bed transition. And since my son stopped riding sleds (liking snowboarding more) I found I was using it only a few months out of the year. Last season, with sled trailer sold, I was loading sled and bike in the back of the pickup and sleeping in a tent on summer trips. Which is convenient but sucks for obvious reasons (rain, packing, setup time ...) I missed having all my gear in one place and living/sleeping/dressing out of the weather.
So here's the latest solution, a 6x14ft single axle Cargo Trailer. Goal is to keep it simple, light, multi functional, and cheap (as compared to an OEM SM trailer, TH, Canned Ham, etc.). One sled in the winter for when I'm not loading on a friend's trailer and in summer my street and dirt bikes will load nicely. For camping, shelves, cabinets, and a removeable foldup bed on the wall (with real rv mattress and a heated 12v blanket, etc., etc.). Figure I'll have about $4500 in it when done. Depends on how carried away I get with electrical and goodies (microwave?). There are definately tricker setups, you just have to look around at all the cool haulers here and on other sites, but the cost can get crazy high ..
When it warms up it'll be time to paint the walls white, Ebay windows, chocks, flooring, 12v wiring, and the bed.
Here's some pics of what I've done so far. Any suggestions are welcome.