Wow...go out of town for a couple days and the place goes to crap real fast. I think it is obvious which is the real AO.....simply look at the number of posts and the fact that the Imposter AO has nothing better to do with his time than sit on here and run his mouth behind a keyboard.....much like that of BJ2 (but whatever makes you happy). Non-the-less, BJ2 and AO2, you guys are cute, you know like black babies before they grow up, but in all reality, if you are all that, why are you sitting behind your keyboard with a fake identity? Before you go off with another drawn-out, dumba_s comment about me, my mother, my wife, my sled, my occupation, my physical stature, my previous sleds, my actions in general, my best friend's second cousin's sister, or whatever it is(all by the way which are much better than yours) just answer that one question. I bet you won't, you'll just keeping rambling. So, in closing, while this was funny, and became entertaining for awhile, and is now getting lame, remember this, yeah yeah it's a joke and funny and all, but your identity will eventually come out, and TRUST me, I will not forget this come next year when I embarrass you on the hill. I do forgive, but I surely don't forget. This has been great motivation to put into next year's sled, and season, when I clean your clock day in and day out on the hill. Now THAT, my imposter friends, will be funny.
PS-----I saw some hills out of Bridgeport this weekend that are huge and NOT in wilderness