I'd say no. Last year about this time temps dropped to below the 20's and we got nearly 24" in about 16 hours. Then we got practically nothing for the next 2 months. yeah, an inch or two here and there but when you ride in Januray and the base is only 40" you know it's bad. The best snow year I have ever seen was about 5 years ago. It started snowing right before Christmas and you could count on a powder day every weekend. There wasn't a week where we had less than 10" fall. And it stayed cold. We have had one winter where more snow fell but a good 1/3rd of that fell in the early Spring and if you didn't hit it the day it snowed or right after then it got heavy and sticky. Guys rode well into July that year. I think that there was close to 26' on the pole. Personally I like the deep, fluffy snows in Dec, Jan, Feb and March. I don't like riding in the "mashed taters" type snow.