Sorry my mistake, in my bid to keep up with all these posts do a bit of speed reading, misread drivers for driveshaft. I am interested to know his source though however, possibly from a dealer? That is the part about hearing two specific dates where driveshafs were manufactured wrong. That's the problem with rumours. I am wondering where polaris is currently sitting on the topic. I should sure hope we hear something from them soon. There is obviously an issue, not nearly as HUGE as this site and snow and mud are making it out to be. I was getting at if the steel insert and aluminum shaft weren't mated perfectly center with a good strong bond, then vibrations will aid to some shaft failures. Any way you look there is a manufactuing defect going on here causing some shafts to fail. Whether it is insufficent glue, inadequate bonding, misalignment of steel insert to shaft or any combination of the above remains to be answered.
Heard it from a friend who is a dealer, who said he got a notice from Polaris regarding the problem. Acording to him it was a regarding some sleds in the states, and about 10 sleds in Norway.
But i need to correct myself! It was not the drivers that was out of alignment, but the part on the belt drive side, that is glued to the aluminum shaft, that was skewed after the glue process.
That could explain the broken driveshaft because of wobble, and also the belt drive failures, since it also would loosen the drive belt some.