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Does anyone still use a full face helmet?



Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
I'm taking my 1st trip out West this winter and am trying to figure out what to do for a Helmet. I've been riding for a long time in Michigan's U.P.. We get some very deep snow up there. Mainly we do all boonedocking. I have always wore a full face Polaris helmet with a heated visor. I really like it and have NEVER had fogging problems with the heated visor. I can leave my visor closed while trying to get unstuck and sweating like a pig and it still won't fog. Will this work in th mountains? I have never worn an open face before while riding, but have tried a few on. I never liked how they felt. The biggest problem I've seen is that they limit my visability too much it seems. See, my biggest problem is that I have somewhat limited visibilty to begin with. I am 80% blind in my left eye.

What you you guys reccommend? I am really worried about the oen face helmet.
Aug 25, 2008
Boise, Idaho

Use what you have. If it works fine why think about changing. Most guys wear motocross helmets and goggles because they ride bikes in the summer and they are just more used to that style of helmet. I didn't like my full face due to the fogging up all the time so it stays in the trailer as a spare.
Nov 26, 2007
I have some friends that ride with a full face. They like to plug there's in too to prevent fogging. Ride with what your comfortable with even if it is a modular. The only people I laugh at are the ones on sleds wearing toques!
Dec 3, 2001
for high speed trail riding , full face is nice... much warmer.

i've converted to a moto cross helmet and goggles. i use goggles with a lot of foam around the edges, seals up against my face well. my nose gets wind or sun burnt but, i don't like to wear the beak / breath deflector... so i put up with a red nose. doesn't bother me much! unless its VERY cold / windy and trail riding ... accross libby flats . hah

I'm taking my 1st trip out West this winter and am trying to figure out what to do for a Helmet. I've been riding for a long time in Michigan's U.P.. We get some very deep snow up there. Mainly we do all boonedocking. I have always wore a full face Polaris helmet with a heated visor. I really like it and have NEVER had fogging problems with the heated visor. I can leave my visor closed while trying to get unstuck and sweating like a pig and it still won't fog. Will this work in th mountains? I have never worn an open face before while riding, but have tried a few on. I never liked how they felt. The biggest problem I've seen is that they limit my visability too much it seems. See, my biggest problem is that I have somewhat limited visibilty to begin with. I am 80% blind in my left eye.

What you you guys reccommend? I am really worried about the oen face helmet.

Blu Du

Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 19, 2008
Nisswa Mn.
full face is nice in Mn when it's -30 all day long. i have a modular and am switching to moto this winter.
Dec 3, 2001
also the open face lets you take in more O2 at altitude. that's why I wear one.

and i think thats a big reason i don't dig on the breath deflector dealies.

i'm generally a mouth breather, specially when riding.

but it sucks when the pows so deep and you are gagging and choking up snow on the pow hits! wait, maybe thats not such a bad thing.. haha


Nov 26, 2007
open face has its ups and downs open face is nice on hot days but bad on cold ones u get frostbite easier but doesn't fog up but if u buy a open face then u need to buy goggles too so when i ride i bring both


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
Thanks for all the replies guys. I really appreciate the feedback. Gives me some options to think about.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Monument, CO
I know I may look funny, but I am really partial to my modular Polaris helmet...fogging is NOT an issue with the sweet breath deflector they have (looks like a jet helmet).

I have one motocross style helmet as well and am looking into another one with a good set of goggles just to "fit in"...apparently in CO you get shunned:) by some for wearing a full face helmet:confused:

Oh well, as long as you are riding I don't care what helmet you wear...just make it a GOOD QUALITY one as I have seen with my own two eyes what happens when a human head meets a tree...and it isn't something you want to see.

I confess i love my NMFH aka the "Dork". Its heavy but it work in every condition. In the late spring/summer (July 5th this year) I do use a moto but as the corn is spraying me in the face I always wish I had a shield to flip down. Also nothing is better passing on the trail and going through the blast zone. Also in the very deep you never have issues. Goggles packed with snow, then fogged up, then drying under the hood. You can have that. You do give up air intake issues if you can not control your breathing. I have learned to regualte my breathing and only have to lift the lid and pull the mask unless I have to dig the sled out. NMFH all the way. Mine has been through a couple of good impacts and looking to get a new one this year. You would think someone would make a nice Kevlar one that is 2lbs by now!
Larger or bored out air intakes for increased breathing would be a nice option too.
Nov 27, 2007
Kapowsin, WA
The biggest reason I use and appreciate the motocross style is because of the light weight. After 3 broken necks and 2 surgeries I have real trouble with a heavier helmet by the end of the day.
Nov 21, 2007
went from a cat txi to a hjc motox with scott otg. i'll never go back to full face. i ride from +10C to -40C and im warmer with the motox then the txi. plus full face helmets are getting way to pricey. got my motox and goggles for 100 bucks less then my full face.

go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
I go with the full face and visor up and sun glasses when it warms up in the spring time since has a slightly bigger field of view and it gives me a bit more visability.

Bad weather though of any kind and it's definately the googles and motocross style.


Mar 14, 2007
MX helmet and goggles during winter, goggles get replaced with sunglasses during the spring.

Never used an NMFH/fullface.... but i figure if there's 2 people on the mountain that have 'em, everyone else wears mx, there's probably a reason for that.
Nov 26, 2007
Helmet options........

I have had both the MX style and the full face with visor. I prefer the MX helmet. I am going to check out some downhill mountain bike helmets this year. They are way lighter and are very well rated. They also have cold weather versions too. I have seen a couple of people with them and want to check them out.-00's


New member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 29, 2007
I ride with full face and when the powder gets deep it finds its way in my helmet( between shield and helmet) causing vision problems, would the googles solve this problem or am I doing somthing wrong?
Full Face

I wear a full face. I'm sure people laugh at me. Really, I don't care much. Never fog, always warm. If it's hot I flip up the shield or take it off. I realize sledding is becoming a fashion show...who has the nicest bad-a@@ sled, the $500 Klim helmet and $1000 plus worth of snow gear (some of it pointless). Who pulls the biggest most expensive trailer with the biggest baddest truck. Even after sledding, everyone is sporting their brand... Advertising it on their clothing at the night spots. Dumb to me. I haven't been a sledder for very long, but I say screw that. I've made it for four years with $40 snow boots and pants from Wally-World (pants get wet..boots stay dry), a $50 Mossi jacket and helmet and a purple '97 Polaris 700 RMK. Laughed at...yeah. $30,000 plus richer...yeah. That being said...I am upgrading! I'm buying a newer sled (still 9 years old) and might buy some new(used) HMK gear. Point is, whatever you ride, drive or wear is irrelevant. You're there doing it. So next time you see somebody like me, don't judge.... or laugh. I'm just like you...only not as concerned with what people think... or maybe not as in debt ...or cash heavy.
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