Can anyone make out that license plate on the truck?
So, I was able to do a search on the plate today and immediately found the owner of the truck who in-turn was able to tell me the name of the owner of the camera! SWEET!! It worked!
The back story is, my wife and I found this camera last spring on the road up to Schriebners Meadow on Baker.
Camera Lost On Baker THREAD
Because I use an iMac (The camera requires windows), and I'm not super skillful with the Mac, I was only able to get a picture off the camera.
Who is this guy THREAD?
So then at the suggestions of Snowester's, I called Samsung to see if they had registration info on the owner, with no luck!! GRRRRR
So that is pretty much where it has been since that time, I just wasn't sure what to do. I guess I could try and pull video from the camera, but didn't really see one that would divulge who the owner was.....?
So yesterday I was reading through some "Quicktime Player" info and came across information that related to the support of alternative video formats. So being curious, I pulled the camera out of the cupboard and plugged it in... It Worked!!!
As you know by reading this thread, I posted that video here as well as on my Facebook..
Facebook Post
Someone has got to know one of these guys!! At Scott's suggestion, I went back and looked over the video closer and sure enough could make out a license plate, Kinda!
I did a search today and BINGO!! One phone call and the mystery was solved!
I feel a bit guilty for not jut giving the darn thing to someone with a Windows computer all along. But I guess I didn't see anything on video that was gonna make a difference??
The rightful owner will be picking it up on their way to Baker (ironically) this Friday.
Thanks for the help folks!