The "payment plan vs. cash" thing boils down to 2 schools of thought in its most basic form.
1) The "you only live once" argument; why spend years saving up when you can buy it today on credit? If you can buy a sled now and pay for it for 3-5 (or whatever) years, that's 3-5 years of riding at a younger age vs saving for the same time period. Halfway through your saving period you get hit by a bus and lose the ability to ride, you missed out on all riding instead of some riding, right? (Now, riding isn't everything obviously, just an extreme example). You DO only live once, and if there is an opportunity to go forth with something today, why wait until tomorrow?
The problem with this line of thinking is, people take it to the extreme. If you are already loaned up on vehicles, house, CC debt, etc, because "you only live once"....should you really tube your entire financial situation/credit rating over one more monthly payment for a stupid snowmobile? Hell no. In my time in the auto industry, I saw people ask for loans that would literally leave them no money to eat. "Well lets see what the bank says." Buddy....even if the bank approves this (which they might) the hell do you plan on living?
2) Save up and pay cash for the least cost (no interest) possible. Obviously this is the most cost effective, however, people do forget the opportunity cost of having a big chunk of cash gone all at once. You really need to weigh out what else you could do with that down payment, any other debt at higher interest rates, investments paying you at XYX rate, yada yada. In general, having cash tied up in a depreciating asset isn't a great financial idea. Buy houses, lease cars kind of idea.
#2 people tend to do better in the long term, however, #1 sure is great if you get hit by a bus at 35 years old. It all boils down to personality. Obviously there is a way to properly blend #1 and #2, however, that requires some math and setting some priorities/goals. Some people (like me) just hate payments and that's a large part of my argument for better or worse. They just "bug" me, leaving the math alone....but that's just a personality thing.