I posted post #46 on an SLP Stage 2 kit I put in my sled. Somebody replied and asked about RPM fade with the kit in Post #48. I'd like to answer that question and also add a little info about the kit that contradicts a lot of what some people are arguing about.
RPM FADE... I noticed my first signs of RPM fade shortly after break in. Around 400-500 miles I started getting the issue many have talked about with this Axys HO motor. Originally it seemed heat related. First hour or so of each day it would RIP. Then the FADE would set in and I would lose 400rpm for the rest of the day. SUCKED! The next day of riding she would Rip again but the fade would set in again once she was heat soaked. 200-300 miles of this fade **** and my SLP Stage 2 kit arrived. RPM Fade issue seemed to disapear. Close to 1000 miles without issue. Then one day the fade came and went several times throughout the day. SUCKED! The next day the fade was there first thing in the morning which was different. It seemed to be a heat soaked issue before but now she had it first thing in the morning. SUCKED! Happily after an hour of riding she "Like a lightswitch" started ripping again. With the SLP and without the SLP kit it was a loss of 400rpm in both cases. I called my dealer "Blah, blah, blah" changed plugs (no change) put a new belt on (no change at first) after 30-50 miles she was singing again. Not sure if it was the belt needing to get broken in or if it's just a weird issue without a good answer for at this point?? SUCKS! Although since the belt change break in I've had 300 miles of great performance. I'm not sold that the belt was the fix but it did seem to bring back improvement with the issue. Still feel the rpm issue will return so I'm not getting overly excited. If it was a belt issue why would it give me rpm issues from 400-700 miles disapear completely for a 1000 miles than return again and bother me. Like I said, when it gave me problems between 400-700 miles it seemed like a heat soaked issue. When it returned at 1700 miles it didn't need to be heat soaked to see the issue. Started the day right out cold with rpm issues. For right now and the last 300 miles I've been smiling since the belt was swapped. Does that seem like a **** belt?? Shouldn't come and go in my opinion if it's a belt issue. Another buddy of mine also has the "S-800" and he has also seen simalar rpm issues. Worse and more consistant than what I've experienced but from time to time it seemed to be a heat soaked issue then it just turned into an every day thing. He also changed his belt and has seen improvement. I think the rpm issue is more complex than just swapping a belt. But it does definately seem that SOME PEOPLE are thinking that a simple belt swap is the fix. These new belts are $215 a peice and shouldn't be crapping out at 400 miles. In my past experiences it's time for a new belt when the old one ****s the bed. We shouldn't have to be pulling perfect looking belts off and replacing them. Polaris won't replace the belts. Polaris has acknowledged the RPM issue but has no answers for it at this time. Lot's of people working on answers sharing their thoughts and opinions "And Work" towards finding the answers on the Hard Core Sledder forums. Getting closer to answers I feel and it was nice to hear that as of the begining of March Polaris is acknowledging there is an issue with SOME sleds out there???
To get back to the SLP gains. 9 hp?? Don't know. Some people saying that they wouldn't spend the money for gains that are only on the very top end. If that was the case I wouldn't blame them. MAYBE if I only got the Pipe & Can that COULD be closer to the truth?? I don't know. I got the Stage 2 SLP Kit which has clutching changes that go with the Pipe & Can. I can assure you the gains aren't just on the Top. Both the primary and secondary springs get changed along with a huge adding of weights in the clutch. I THINK the stock weights are 66 grams and the ones in the Kit are 71 grams. The stock set up was a nice improvement over the previous set up in the Pro-R that I previously owned. New engine spools up real fast and seems much snappier. So, the new stock HO motor is honestly a very noticable difference over the old engine. ((Minus my disapointment with the RPM Issue)) I don't know about the 9HP gain with the Pipe BUT with the whole Kit "Clutch/ Pipe & Can combination" I can assure you it isn't just a gain on the top end. I can't vouch for HP gains and Dyno Chart info but this Stage 2 Kit Rocks. {{From engagement it pulls harder all the way through}} I can only vouch for how it feels from my seat. How it feels from where I'm sitting is all that matters to me. All that other technical stuff really means nothing to me at this point. I shed a lot of pounds in the front end, the pipe supposably runs 40% cooler and my snappiness and spool up time is much quicker, She pulls harder all the way through and the Top end is a solid 150 rpms higher. Oh, by the way, I ride the **** out of this sled and I'm still getting over 16 MPG.
Yes, the 9hp claims got me to buy the kit. Even if some evidense was reveiled that the Pipe only pulled half of that HP I wouldn't give the Kit back if SLP offered me double my money back.
Doubters will doubt. They can say what they want and I definately take no offense to their opinions. Glad my riding partners think it's a lot of money too. I need all the edge I can get!!