Dude: PROVE HOW AND WHY A DIESEL MOTOR IS %30-40 MORE EFFECIENT THAN A GASOLINE MOTOR. I don't want to see "Because dieseldump magazine said so!!!" I want you to prove it with actual math and engineering DATA.
That number is wildley exaggerated. If you wanted to claim %10 then offer even some conceptual numbers I'd be more forgiving here .... Hell man the links you even posted if you go through them don't back up that claim.
Also, spend 4 or 5 years getting a mechanical engineering degree (golly gee, we might have studied a little thermo in there
), then spend a few years analyzing fleet truck data, and just to top it off, spend a few years designing gas plants (wow no thermo there), optimizing operation of cat 3600 series motors (diesel motors that were converted to natural gas service) that operate large natural gas compressors, etc ....
Trust me man, I have a pretty good understanding of this. But the way no its not
I want you to PROVE your claims. Don't make more claims and claim making that claim is proving another claim you made, I want you to show me the math and make me believe you. I've been asking diesel owners to do this for nearly 10 years now and so far the condition you even agreed with me on is the only one that makes them more effecient. Again, who cares how "effecient" the motor is if it costs you 3 times as much to run it? Is the additional %20 range you get worth the 3x additional cost? Maybe if you're compulsivley impatient, I dunno
If diesel motors are %30-40 more effecient than gasoline motors are then we sure would have never ditched entire fleets of them because that would have totally offset any additional operating costs. It makes absolutley *****ZERO**** sense to have this argument and not base it on cost, unless all you wanna do is argue horsepower numbers. Seriously.
Like I said, I've been studying this and following this for _YEARS_ now. I know what I'm talking about here.
Look I am not trying to be a dick here. Really, I really am not ... but like I said, I've studied this over and over and over and there are an awful lot of gaping misconceptions about diesel motors out there .... the primary one of concern that just boggles my mind is that it's somehow cheaper to own a diesel than a gas motor .... that one just blows my mind. I never said that a diesel motor wasn't more effecient than a gas motor, but c'mon %30-40 is absolutley rediculous ....