I just got done doing a few things to my sled, I installed a MM 8" big wheel kit and freedom axle, removed all but the front boggie wheels; I also re-geared to 19/42, installed the billet chain case cover(way sweet), I also took the clutches off and had the primary balanced and a different spring installed and in the secondary installed the #420719 team helix. I put on a set of powder pro skis, and I also yanked the radiator and cleaned my exhaust valves and installed new gaskets and bellows. Everything went good and I took the sled out tonight to see how it ran; it runs great I am way happy with everything I did especially the gearing and clutching
. But my two questions are when my track moves those clips between the windows click on the end of the rail as the track rolls past. I tensioned the track as the manual states and then I even let it go loose and tightened it more and no matter what, I get that clicking sound, is this normal with a big wheel kit? My next question is I refilled the coolant and then put the nose of the sled on the trailer ramp and filled it a little more and ran it for a while. While the sled sits there and idles the temp creeps up pretty fast, after about five minutes of idle time it is around 190 degrees, if I get on the sled at that point and run it out in the powder it drops within 30 seconds or so back down to about 135-140. Is this normal? I should of did a before and after comparison on the temps with the radiator installed and then pulled, but I didn't
So what do you think do I still have some air in there or does that sound normal?