Oh gee, look at that, federal appeals court made up of 3 judges appointed by Republican presidents with the opinion written by one appointed by trump just threw these liars outta court for, guess what, lack of any credible evidence, again today. What a joke.Giuliani At PA Election Hearing: "You’ve Sent Out 1.8 Million Ballots And The Number You Counted Is 2.5 Million"
The “where’s the evidence argument” is dead. Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani in the presence of Republican leaders in PA released an absolute bombshell. Giuliani was quoted saying “You sent out in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1,823,148 absentee or mail-in ballots. You received back 1.4...welovetrump.com
now you have the president saying that Biden has to prove that votes weren’t fake in order to enter the White House. Do you guys even understand the absolute lack of understanding of the CONSTITUTION that asking someone to prove a negative shows?? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?? This guys off his meds.