I should have chosen my words more carefully.
Before I walk it back, or attempt to restate my stance I believe I will do a little reading.
My defensiveness is reflex in response to radicals on the left with ideas like... making DC & Puerta Rico states, tinkering with the electoral system, packing the SC etc
Crazy talk like that will most certainly be met by a resounding resistance.
It’s definitely easier to see what’s going on in the states these days from a distance. The “radical “ elements on both sides are so entrenched in their ideology that they cannot see any other way. One of my big issues with Donny (aside from being the most dishonest public figure in decades) is that he is a complete radical while at the same time constantly ridiculing the “radical left”.
The US won’t heal until some middle ground is found and people look past the ends of their own noses. The radical right is so hyped up by the right wing media that the evil radical left is gonna take their guns, ban gasoline tomorrow and kill babies for fun that they can’t see the reality of the other sides position.
The radical left thinks everyone should drive a golf cart and be a vegan to save the planet and they are afraid of people that think it’s just fine and dandy to take a rifle into Wendy’s.
There’s a whole whack of people in between...
Donny definitely took advantage of these divides and did absolutely nothing to improve the situation. He actively pushed to make it worse and totally demonized the “other” side. It seems like it’s to the point that trumpies think anyone who disagrees with them is the “radical left” -look back a few posts to see my point... That definitely does not strengthen a nation.
Until you guys as a whole at least sort of try to see the other sides point you’re not going anywhere. One of the reasons I like arguing with mafesto and ask you guys direct questions (that rarely seem to get answers...) is because I’m truly fascinated that anyone can actually believe Donny’s BS and there’s some truly passionate trumpies on here...
you reference packing the court-that is extremely unlikely to happen due to the precedent that it’ll set. But you need to understand that the “other” side feels completely screwed by McConnell in that he didn’t even consider Obama’s nominee and then ran one thru what, a week before the election? When one side has the advantage and absolutely fists the other they should expect retribution. Had he just held hearings for Obama’s nominee and rejected him the picture might be a little different, but that whole situation is nothing to be proud of...
hopefully old joe is a vanilla president, doesn’t push too hard to the left and just let’s sh!t simmer down for a while.