And like usual you are locking onto one right wing talking point and not seeing the whole picture. He wouldn’t stand a chance anyway as a 78 year old senile has-been (sound familiar??)You are missing the point.
When (preventing them from being elected in the future) is the motivation behind impeachment, well that really is a Pandora's box there.
Regardless of the outcome, If they let this go then any future leader would be emboldened to do the same thing or worse. The threat of impeachment is one of the main checks on the leader of the executive branch. The motivation behind the impeachment is to show that Donny’s actions will not be tolerated and not being able to run again is one of the results of that as it should be. You staunch constitutionists wouldn’t want to undercut that, would ya?
It’s not like the senate republicans balls are finally gonna drop anyway, I’d be amazed if they actually get a 2/3 majority to convict (although they sure should...)
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