Kind of an interesting read, I recently spoke with Team and SLP on this, both stated to put one washer under the spring cup. When asked about placing two under the spring cup their response was similar to a couple other guys I spoke with, which was why?
I simply stated that in theory wouldn’t the two washers slide against each other and create a “slicker” surface, then just one?
Their response like a few others were that two washers were no different than one because the clutches heat and the derlin washers will tend to stick together as they warm up, thus making the two act as one, just thicker.
I also asked about placing additional washers under the ends of the springs. Their response for this was, it can be done and many do but make sure the ends of the springs are completely smooth as they will chew up the washers.
So if you were to add the additional washers on the ends of the spring it probably would be a good idea to check their wear from time to time.
Again, just going by what I’ve been told and thought I would pass it along.
By the way, my Assault………….One Derlin under the spring cup.