You can look at this in two ways, something we should all look at.
Through the window: If it is out there, you see it, go get it, work harder and you will be rewarded. Save your money and support who supports you. Never sit and wait for the customer to come to you.
Through the mirror: If you look at yourself (business) and ask simple questions like Am I treating the customer # 1, am I supporting their efforts (clubs etc), Am I selling at a fair price? Can you go home at night and sit down with your family and say I treated everyone equal today? If you answer yes, then you will succeed.
The business that are hurting probably overspent, over extended on credit with big inventories (not always there fault) and don't want to help the customer, or simply don't know/forgot how to.
A smile and saying Hi when you walk in the door helps people part with money. Continual over-pricing will simply draw the customer away.