its the same as the start of last many threads got started over the trashed frt A-arms on the pro's? quite a few..yet by mid season..not a word on failures on here, why? because at the start of the season guys were hitting stuff weather they wanted to admit to it or not, by mid season snow was covering 90% of the obstacles and no more issues...same with the bent tunnels and soft suspensions...I do think there are areas where quite a few have gone down..but in most areas these sleds have been as reliable as any other brand on the snow...I doubt polaris went thru and said...any questionable build we will send to this dealer..all others to these dealers...I think its a local issue due either to fuel or to crappy dealers when you see a rash of any issues that arnt happening at all dealers....I think mountainhorse is right, at the start of this season you will see quite a few go down....caused by guys getting them out of the shed, loading them on the trailer, topping the tank off and pinning them on the first ride vrs doing good maintainance by draining tank, changing filters, checking over...