Man, I would love to see our locals audited from above. Everything thier outside audits flagged would come to light. Their in house attorneys would no longer be able to protect them.
That post I put up about the IRS needed proof a little while back on my 2021 return comes with a part two.
They did receive my return, they just didn't come out and say what really happened, before showing them my return receipt. It wasn't one but two returns, someone sent in a return before mine and pulled my carry over.
Three years later they notify me.
I had to have a bean counter explain to me how is it that my return was pulled three years ago but in the end it's still there.
The system is corrupt/broken and has been for a very long time. Everyone of us just paid for that little itsy bitsy F.U. and I'm a nobody.
How many millions of people does that happen to and have never even been contacted because they pay some firm to do thier taxes.
They had two tax returns from me, meaning they had my return and followed up after three years and who sent it , me.
If an outside source sent it then they would of been the one's contacted, just clarifying, odds are you would never be contacted.
Why would they? They want you as a return customer.